Belgium Chinese Tea Centre

Only Pure & Authentic Quality Tea

Moxa Workshop

In the Moxa workshop at Dr. Tao’s clinic in Antwerp this week, not only we have a chance to know how Artemisia argyi looks like so we can identify the herbal plant in the nature in the future; we also learn to plush the dried leaves with hands. the fraquence from the plush is much stronger than the fresh leaves.

We can also perform the moxa treatment with plush on top of thick sliced fresh ginger on specific meridian point. Adults can best learn by doing, during the workshop I showed how to use the moxa stick to perform the moxa treatment with moxa stick.

Active Retirement

Am I still interested to find a job even at the age of 67?
Well, the answer definitely is YES

Why not? I am still pretty healthy in body and mind, I still full of positive energy in life and I appreciate every opportunity to share knowledge and experience in life.

However, I do have clear direction in coaching to senior managements who are willing to make a change in work and life.

When I help others, it gives me a chance to help myself; sharing experience and knowledge with others help me to deepen my own learning and reflections.

There is nothing more important than maintaining positive and healthy eneregy in body, mind and emotionally. Continue learning and sharing are the best remedies in the healthy lifestyle. All of these are easy to obtain, free of charge !

EcoTea – MeiZhan Oolong

#ecotea#ecoquality must come from a happy, peaceful and harmony environment with diligent commitments from #hardworking people to the #mothernature and #culturesustainability

From Tea to Know a Person

In the modern world. trust is critical for any kind of relationship, in either personal or professional environments.

Here is a simple tip for you to consider:

One who can not even distinguish whether tea is authentic or flavored, what’s her/his ability to identify truth from false?

One who does not know how to appreciate authentic flavors and tastes from mild and gentleness, how would s/he value honesty in relationship?

One who likes to show her/his ability to tell which tea is ‘the best’ or not without knowing there are plenty ‘good teas’, the best is not judged by own judgement but based on other’s perception and acceptance, how can be a fair leader if s/he has impulsive prejudgement attitude?

One who can’t even demonstrate respectful behaviors in preparing or drinking a cup of tea, what make you think that person knows the essence of ‘respect’? Without respectful mind, how can that person be a good leader?

Artemisia Ginger Tea

Artemisia argyi (Asiatic wormwood) is a medicinal herb used in TCM. In TCM we use Artemisia argyi for moxa treatment。

We also can use leaves to a medicinal herbal tea. But the taste of dried artemisia leaves without being processed in advance is hard to drink because of its very very bitterness in taste.

(65) Artemisia Ginger Tea – YouTube

The pre-processed step helps to reduce the bitterness, afterward stir fry in a dry wok with sliced gingers till all ingredients are fully dried.

Today I used about 2g, water temperature is below 90C, quickly brewing and quickly filter out, I am amazed by its gentle sweetness instead of bitterness. Multiple brewing is possible with this medicinal herbal tea.

Positive Energy in Life

Am I still interested to find a job even at the age of 67?
Well, the answer definitely is YES
Why not? I am still pretty healthy in body and mind, I still full of positive energy in life and I appreciate every opportunity to share knowledge and experience in life.

However, I do have clear direction in coaching and consultancy; because

The greatest satisfaction is not about what I can achieve but watching what others can achieve with ease, peace and happiness.

Mei Lan hsiao

When I help others, it gives me a chance to help myself; sharing experience and knowledge with others help me to deepen my own learning and reflections.

There is nothing more important than maintaining positive and healthy eneregy in body, mind and emotionally. Continue learning and sharing are the best remedies in the healthy lifestyle. All of these are easy to obtain, Free of Charge !


刚刚收到德国进口商的秋季茶叶报价,印度大吉岭秋茶批发价一公斤不超过18块欧元。这是欧洲的批发价, 而不是进口价。为什么印度大吉岭的批发价比中国茶好?我们必须用什么样的心态来面对为什么大吉岭的出口价可以比中国茶高。

今天同时收到在美国很积极的一家“云南茶叶”公司今日传出来的价格表,熟普一饼 (357克)美金37.00 还打九折。 在国外真的懂茶的人有限,懂普洱茶更少,市场的接受力还需要大力努力之际,却见国内品牌在国外打价格战,请问云南普洱茶面对的障碍出在哪里,是谁造成默许的?


二〇二一年上半年茶叶出口:同比量减少,然价格有升,当认为可以偷偷笑的时候,却惊见外销价30元一公斤都不到的消息。外销没有人用500克一斤,而是1000克一公斤. 所以30元是人民币还是美元或是欧元? 如果是人民币,那请问我们愿意吞下我们中国茶只值30元价值吗? 

绝大多数人在过中国质优好茶后都会点头认同中国茶,但是为什么还有那么多“借口”说中国茶外销面对问题是因为国际贸易壁垒呢? 请恕我直言:中国茶在国外发展面对的困难是我们自己自清末到今天没法子突破的[心虚]。而国内茶叶炒作风气操作下在国内看到的现象却是许多业者以过度夸大的市场媒体对国内消费者所展现的却又是[高度自信]甚至[自满]。对内自大自满,对外却心虚,请问问题出在哪里?



请问, 中华茶文化的本质是什么?

唐代是中国五千年历史中至今尚无法超越的盛世。 我们今天确实了解何为『盛世』吗?我们由心了解如何创造一个盛世吗? 我们是否时时刻刻记得个人、家庭、社会到国家需要投入营造与坚持的不同层面基本要件吗?容易由己开始做起吗?

唐代的茶圣陆羽在当时茶文化发展乱象中提出了四个字, “精、行、俭、德”,的茶德; 中华茶文化辗转历经逾一千五百年的延伸与进展,在历史鸿海浪潮中真能落实做到的又有多少人呢?


当我们平心静气享受纯净的茶香,甘顺有韵的茶滋味,那宁静的片刻不就是我们面对自我初心的最好时刻? 试问当我们听到高喊“有必要去强调唐代茶文化本质”的口号时,我们内心清楚与确实知道必须学习是什么样的唐代茶文化了吗? 请问在生活中如何落实呢?

文字词藻写的再优雅在煽情,肢体服饰妆扮再华丽美艳,如果依然停留在茶艺表面功夫,对每一个看似简单却具有物理与生活智慧的每一个步骤无法掌控如虹深入人心的感动。 那当我们低头品茶时,我们不会不禁地自问是否自己曾以诚心实意面对茶,处理人生精进时必须突破的心里障碍呢? 宣称忠爱茶与自然,人生与茶的我们能够以行动落实必须承担的文化传承的责任, 以及又能把中华茶道传承多久,散播多远呢? 我们 又能在面对二十一世纪挑战及诱惑的时候能为茶,为中华茶文化创造什么样的文化波浪与潮流呢? 日后世代又讲将如何审视我们呢?

©萧美兰,比利时中华茶文化协会创办与负责人, 2021.08.09, 于安特卫普,比利时



这也是自己时时提醒自己必须勿忘初心的自我提示; 因为人生在世真正稀缺的不是会烟霄云散的名利,也不是茶,而是『敢于』不忘初心的坚持 🙏🙏🙏。




95年应比利时朋友要求分享茶时深刻体会中国精品茶的推广必须由宣扬中华茶文化着手, 当中华茶文化能得到应有的基本尊重,基本茶理能说的清楚,茶能品的明白,那么中国精品茶才有更好的推广空间。为茶努力时也是为自己内心平静与融入在努力, 所以在没有为什么,只有[这是必须做],而这是我爱做、我能做的简单初心,开始以宣扬中华茶文化,分享更多正确茶知识,增加让更多人体验质纯品优的好茶的机会,为茶开拓茶能说话的空间与机会。

这是我成立比利时中华茶文化协会的初心。这份初心从未动摇,更不会走偏,只因为我因茶改变,变得更好。人可负我,我不可负茶,只因茶是我, 我是茶。




这也是自己时时提醒自己必须勿忘初心的自我提示; 因为人生在世真正稀缺的不是会烟霄云散的名利,也不是茶,而是『敢于』不忘初心的坚持 🙏🙏🙏。




95年应比利时朋友要求分享茶时深刻体会中国精品茶的推广必须由宣扬中华茶文化着手, 当中华茶文化能得到应有的基本尊重,基本茶理能说的清楚,茶能品的明白,那么中国精品茶才有更好的推广空间。为茶努力时也是为自己内心平静与融入在努力, 所以在没有为什么,只有[这是必须做],而这是我爱做、我能做的简单初心,开始以宣扬中华茶文化,分享更多正确茶知识,增加让更多人体验质纯品优的好茶的机会,为茶开拓茶能说话的空间与机会。

这是我成立比利时中华茶文化协会的初心。这份初心从未动摇,更不会走偏,只因为我因茶改变,变得更好。人可负我,我不可负茶,只因茶是我, 我是茶。


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