Belgium Chinese Tea Centre

Only Pure & Authentic Quality Tea

Value of tea

Loose leaf teas are getting popular, in many tea shops they like to advertise their teas as the finest quality; and the price for tea with the same name can be very varied, from low price to rocket high price.

Hand-picked young and tender leaves and process manually are the fundamental standards for good quality tea.

One kilo of good quality tea is made from 60,000 to 80 000 young buds or young tender fresh leaves.

Before judging the price for tea, perhaps you can first picture those hard working people in your mind.

Jin Xuan Oolong

Today Jessica invited me to join the group discussion on FB about Milky Oolong based on the question from Luci:

“Milky oolong has been quite popular last few years. Many retailers and suppliers claim it’s steamed with milk, but I’m curious is it really steamed with milk or is it just aroma? Is there really an oolong tea that is steamed with milk?

When there is a question, it opens a learning door and gives us a chance to share the right information and knowledge.

Flat round shape

Jin Xuan is a tea tree cultivar originated from Taiwan that was cultivated by the TRES (Tea Research and Extension Station) in 1981, the code is TTES#12, also known as #27 in Taiwan.  It was cultivated based on “Yin Zhe Hong Xing 硬枝紅心” as patrilineal and “Taiwan Agriculture #8” as maternal. The harvest output from Jin Xuan is higher than Qing Xin Da Pang and Qing Xin

Can grow on high altitude upto 1600mt

tea tree cultivars. This tea tree cultivar has very suitable species that it can be grown on higher altitude upto +/- 1600mt.

The literal spelling of Jin is “Golden” and Xuan is also used in a Chinese medicinal herbal, Xuan Cao, it is herbal that said  can reduce worries.  Based on the first word, Jin, so we can picture the color of Jing Xuan as beautiful yellowish with great clarity in light amber.

Half ball shape in Yellowish Olive Green color

The pure quality Jin Xuan Oolong has somewhat a kind of mother-breast milk creamy note from the cup, in Chinese, we write it as 乳香 (Rou Xiang ), which is different from 奶香 (Nai Xiang, Nai = milk). The one who first translated Jin Xuan based on the mother-breast milk like creamy note to Milky Oolong in English has made a big mistake. It misleads people to think dried leaves from Jin Xuan Oolong should have milky flavor.  This misunderstanding gives tea traders a chance to use extra milk aromatic additives with lower quality tea leaves and advertise it as “milky oolong”.

Any dried loose leaves tea has very strong and even irritating aroma, the chance for being a flavored tea with additive aroma is very likely.

Check your The European regulations request correct and clear labelling if any additives being used in tea or blending tea.

Of course, tea suppliers won’t tell their clients the tea was actually flavored tea from the lower quality oolong tea leaves by using the milk aroma. So here it started the fancy story of telling  it is steamed with milk.  In Europe often consumers buy tea based on the flavor that they smell from the jar or by name; because people purchase tea by following their preference in aroma without knowing how to distinguish the authentic natural flavor from the flavored aroma tea.  That’s why so many flavored teas sold in tea shops, not only in Europe, America but also surprisingly in China, Taiwan and Asia.  The same tea tree cultivar would have variant flavor and taste because of difference in the Mother Nature growing environment and micro-environmental elements. Not to mention, the age of tea trees and how their manage the tea farm could also influence the quality of flavor and taste.

Another realistic issue we have to understand and accept is consumers have very limited knowledge about tea and  are reluctant to pay right price without knowing the value of the pure authentic quality tea.

Jin Xuan Oolong

  • Light fermented Oolong. It’s also suitable to produce Bao Zhong and Black Tea.
  • Shape : half ball shape
  • Color of dried leaves : Yellowish Olive green
  • Flavor from dried leaves : Sweet mother-breast milk like creamy, nuts and flora
  • Once leaves were warmed up in the teapot or gaiwan, then the natural scent of sweet flora, nuts and creamy notes are starting to flourish.
  • Color of the tea liquid: Yellowish light amber

Brewing Suggestion

  • Tea : Water  : 1g : 75ml
  • Water temperature : 95-99°C
  • Steeping time : 1 min – 45 sec – 1 min.
  • Tea ware : Porcelain Gaiwan or small tea pot
  • Multiple infusion : 4-6 or more subject to the quality




煙火的砲聲響起, 2016年這一頁正式成了歷史. 在此我首先要感謝總編與諸位讀者在過去一年中給我的許多支持, 鼓勵與靈感. 一年之始, 在舊曆年尚未來到的時候, 利用此欄跟諸位拜個早年, 真心祝福大家與你們的家人身體健康,  萬事如意與平安喜樂.

有的時候我們做的”未來”計畫因為實際狀況而必須提早或是被迫採取行動, 比如說今年我們本來就選擇了安靜地享受聖誕與新年, 但是沒想到24日下午本來以為只是檢查簡單的水管堵塞時發現這50年代蓋的房子的浴室黃銅排水管銹破了. 原來想就換掉銹掉的部分, 但是沒想還是有漏水的現象. 被迫把浴缸移開, 一看才知問題真的很嚴重, 必須重新全面更換管道.  本來我們就有計畫要更新浴室, 這一突發問題逼迫我們把計畫提早. 與其跟浴室生氣, 我們反而慶幸問題發現得早, 沒有等到樓板濕透, 否則問題更將龐大與可怕. 由於經費有限所以決定自己與找一位Ivo 的好友快快的把整個浴室全拆了. 體力透支當然很累, 但是總算在十二月三十一日下午把該清理的全部處理完畢, 該準備的材料全備齊了. 心中釋然的慶祝跨年夜.  不久的未來我們就可以依我們原來的想法完成一個新的浴室.

由這件浴室事件我也深刻體會, 人生可以做很多計畫, 但是人算不如天算.  現實有時不是完全會依照計畫進行. 當事情發生的時候, 當然心中會有氣也有懊惱, 但是與其花時間與能量去抱怨災難, 不如改變態度, 冷靜面對與處理問題來開創另一個新契機.



個人被邀請參加許多不同群組, 經常在群組裡看到Eomji 或是相互拍哄, 我想由於大家多半都只是在網群裡認識而不是真正的那麼熟識與了解, 所以我想這是很自然的許多人選擇”安全性”高的拍哄方法可以避免一些不必要的誤會. 可是有時太多的時候反而降低自己參與群組討論的意願. 有時也學時髦用 Emoji , 但是心中總是覺得怪怪的, 好像只是在敷衍了事一般有那一股空洞的罪惡感. 

學習說好話, 不是學習空洞無新的讚美詞. 而是要學習如何適時, 適當的表達自己真心的認同, 有時也有可能是建議或是不同看法.  當然更不需要小氣萎縮. 因為認同與讚美他人絕對不代表自己內虛或是有所不如, 相反的是代表了自己內在有足夠的正面能量.  但是真心的認同與讚美不需要疲勞轟炸的表現, 太過時就顯得虛假與浮濫.

學說好話很容易, 在咱們中華文化中的關係管理環節中更是重要. 但是要學的不是說甚麼, 而是如何適時, 適人, 適當的表達那可是需要咱們處處思考與警慎學習的過程管理. 更別提在國外還有文化差異性的錯綜複雜因素. 人們對我們的肯定必須建立在是否有誠信基本互信上.

對人友善, 認同與讚美不在得, 而是給自己一次加深對自己認識與挖掘正面能量的好練習. 不需刻意, 就由日常生活以禮相重做起就可以.


這簡單的四個字更是在近來網群中有關禪佛與茶常見的熱門字彙. 在不同群組中也有許多人按讚說了不起. 是的, 這提起與放下確實是我們在人生中必須不時修習的人生哲學智慧, 而這份智慧可以由簡單的中華茶藝過程中詮釋中學習如何簡單的表達.

但是這提起, 放下簡單四個字就真的這麼容易參悟嗎?

這讓我想起2002下半年跟美國柏克萊大學一位華人學者討論自己將如何幫助自己解決當時生活中所面對的巨變所帶來的焦慮過程時, 雖然那位教授沒有用同樣的字彙, 但是他給的建議是雷同的. 自己過去從事變革管理培訓與工作經驗中我深刻體會, 這個過程不是那麼的簡單, 我必須有強烈的意志力與毅力及能力處理每一個過程的的每一個角落.

在真的能放下之前, 必須先把提起及放下中的那5W1H (what, which, who, when, where 及 How)先由誠實面對自己開始了解. 那有人或許會留意在這5W 中怎麼少了為什麼 ( Why ), 其實原因很簡單, 一個問題不可能是單方所造成的, 若是一 方炒破沙鍋問到底想了解為什麼, 而另一方不願面對, 那麼這個為什麼只會造成更多問題與紛爭而已. 若是在每一個W 中不瞭解H的關聯性, 那麼提起, 放下也將只是空談.

若是提起與放下可以很容易參悟, 那麼我們就必須好好的了解為什麼日本千利休禪師又為何在倡導這個理念的時候, 卻要求想學日本茶道的人在學茶道時堅持他們對每一個細節動作必須做到心意合一的完美呢?

若不能以真誠學習的心與態度面對如何以茶進行人生修行時每一個細節的重要性, 只是用這四個字來簡化茶藝學習過程中每一個細節的重要關聯, 不知也不能堅持, 再提與放的過程中不能擺平內心雜念, 不知如何釋然把自己融入茶中或是生活中每一個W 與H細節, 那麼, 提起與放下也只會淪為縱容自己偷懶的藉口.

法鼓山聖嚴法師對提起與放下的闡釋中也點出,  若是提不起必然也放不下. 能夠提得起, 放得下是一件不簡單的事. 許多人把這四個字掛在嘴上, 但是真正能做的人無幾. 因為在這現實社會裡, 提不起也放不下的態度實在是太普遍. 有太多人在四維八德為基礎「父子有親,夫婦有別,君臣有義,長幼有序,朋友有信。」的五倫中對己身應負的責任與義務是只有求而提不起, 對名利, 財富, 地位, 權力與名望的渴求與追求更是放不下. 內心中的貪嗔癡. 不需要甚麼了不起的文憑或是證書加持, 我們一生中終了會在現實中了解 缺乏意志力與毅力是決定是否能開啟開悟之門與處世成功與安樂的主因.

一月一日一早起來看到范增平恩師給我的期許與建議. 恩師訓導必須嚴謹遵守, 不光是戒恐而是由心尊重. 今年自己必須更努力讓心靜下來. 學習必須由勉強自己養成好習慣做起. 學習不需要問為什麼, 推廣中華茶藝是一個讓自己快樂的泉源而不是商業利益. 這一個態度讓自己由內心歡喜. 個人在國外推廣中華茶藝文化確實是有時會有渺小勢弱的焦慮, 而這卻也是我必須更努力的理由. 以實際行動向茶與茶修靠近, 我的心就更穩當, 整個過程給我的學習就愈紮實.

人可欺我, 我不能自欺或是欺人

人可負我, 我不能自負或是負人

話語如煙, 名詞形容詞不如動詞

知易行難, 一切由行動開始做起

©蕭美蘭, 比利時中華茶藝中心/比利時中華茶文化協會 二O一七年一月一日

Winter Begins

It’s time to rest, it’s time to take care self by keeping warm, because today is the day when winter begins.
It’s time to pay extra attention to keep the Yin-Yang balance in body.  Because the Yin energy is rising from the Nature, therefore we need to pay attention on sustaining of Yang than Yin.
However, we do have to recognize that everyone is different, so my advice will be:

  1. Avoid extremism
  2. Avoid too strong and too much tea or coffee
  3. Don’t take your body for granted, learn to listen to your body carefully, think wise and live healthily.

So what is your choice of tea today?

Mine will be heavy fermented or aged tea.


Meaning in life

If one does not know the meaning and value in life from their heart, then s/he can’t find it no matter how far or how hard s/he tries. The direction of life requires clear understanding by increasing the self awareness.
Our goals might change from time to time because of change of people, time, situation and location and we must learn how to adapt our methods accordingly.  But the meaning of life and value should be consistent.
If I forget who I am, how will others remember me?
If someone remembers me, so what? How would I know after I am gone?
Climbing up on the hill is easy, but stepping down is hard.  When standing on one peak and watch the other peaks are higher.  In life, there are ups and downs, constant changes are norm. When
Climbing up on the hill is easy, but stepping down is hard. 
How proud is sufficient when you standing on one hill when there are higher hills to climb? In life, there are many high and low turns, that’s norm. 
There is neither need to over proud nor feel sad or less worth when stepping or slowing down.  The life is long, but still is within a breath.
When brewing a cup of tea, it is better to enjoy it when it’s warm but not to wait until it’s cold.

Q&A : Are tea flowers the results from stress?

Q: Can tea flowers and fruits appear on a tea plant because of stress?

Tea tree grows very slowly, the growing speed subjects to the average temperature and the microenvironment.


A: Yes, I have heard and read something similar on line before.  My answer to this question is another question “Do you mean, a natural cycle of life is the result from stress?”

Tea is a perennial crops that good quality tea are hand-picked of  young bud/leaves from tea trees.  In an ecological balanced natural environment or with the least human interference, flowering and seeding are natural psysiological habits of all plants, including tea plants.  In a normal tea farm, roots of tea trees are not growing very deep, because roots can easily absorb nutrition from regular fertilizations; leaves grow faster and tea farmers would like to benefits from more production outputs.  In case roots don’t get enough fertilizers from the surface, then roots will be forced to grow deeper to search. for the natural nutrition under; the life force of the plants is strengthened and it grasps the ground stronger. Is it the result of having stress? No,  it is nature.

Yes, indeed if it allows the tea tree to give flower buds, it will affect the distribution of photosynthetic that affects the productive growth; the vegetative growth is relatively reduced.  In other word, the natural cycle flowering and seeding process can affect the growth of tea tree which means reducing the tea production outputs. The small tea flower buds are gradually appeared starting from end September, normally from November to February of next year is the flowering period.   The tea plants and the growing status of branches are closely related to the process of flowering. When and how much are depending how the Nature Mother is being affected by the weather, certainly the rain capacity, of course the choice of cultivation, tea farm management and quality measurement would play an influential role to the flowering or not.

Tea oil pressed from tea seeds is more healthy than the olive oil. It smells and tastes better too

In order to expand the growing territory, tea plants need friends from the Nature. If there were no assistance from insects on the pollination process then tea flowers normally open only for 10-15 days. Tea plants that have been pollinated will result the slowly grow fruits (in Chinese we call it “Tea Seeds”) . 

Indeed the process of flowering and seeding will use up nutrients from tea tree; there are many tea farms do not allow the flowering seeding to happen, so they can arrange more pickings to increase the production outputs for their business.  So what do they do to reduce the natural flowering and seeding process through manipulation:  

  1. Manually remove flowers and seeds once appear on tea plants
  2. Trimming tea plants to break the natural growing cycle, meanwhile to increase the growth of young buds and leaves in the coming season
  3. Apply more fertilizer to accelerate the growth of leaves that plants won’t have enough energy to grow flowers and seeds.
  4. The worst manner is perhaps using pesticide, i.e. Abscisic acid, to regulate the natural hormone growth  

So, let’s go back to the question.  No, flowering and seeding are natural cycle of life for any plant, including tea plant, but it is not the result of having stress.

If we really want to save those ancient tea trees, then we should collectively support those tea farmers who respect the natural cycle of life and maintain a good microenvironment balance. Only healthy tea plants can ensure the continuation of producing good quality tea, it is not a simple quantity issue but a complex quality consideration.  Tea is not just about profit and Loss in the business or the price you pay, it’s about how do we value and respect the Mother Nature and discipline the application of pesticide and excessive picking because of human greediness.


Eco-economics in Tea

Probably here in Antwerp today we speak different language, with different accents,  look differently because of diverse culture background; we probably have different faith or idea for life, but here today we share something  in common that we all appreciate  delicious food and enjoy fine drink; we all dream for peace and harmony in life. Belgium is a small and interesting country, in different city people can enjoy different flavor of gourmets, chocolate, bier but here in Antwerp, we offer something more and better, pure and authentic quality tea and Chinese tea culture.

Tea is one of the oldest drink in history in Chinese culture, but no one really know exactly when it actually started since the written records of the China history can only be found from as early as 1500 BC during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC).  Therefore the legend of tea normally starts with story telling that begin with “Once upon a time…”, “Long long time ago….”.   In the Red Star Line Museum there is an very interesting area about the human migration history, in that room there is a brief introduction of Chinese official and diplomat lead by Zhang Jiang who served as an imperial envoy to the outside world in the 2nd century BC during the time of East Han Dynasty. When we further examine the spelling of tea in different language in the world , we can roughly guess roughly in which period and how these cultures engaged with tea trade and how tea was emerged in their culture development afterwards:

  • The journey to the West began 2 century before Christ through the Grand Silk Road that connected trade from China all the way to Constantinopel (Istanbul in Turkey today), including road trade with India and Tibet, the spelling of tea in their language is based on the Chinese spelling – “Cha “.
  • The journey to the East also has very long history (+/- 3000 years) from China to Korea and Japan
  • The advancement in shipbuilding technologies and navigation led to the opening of a new Maritime Silk Road connecting China with the West, began  from Guangzhou to the Southeast Asia, Malacca, passed through the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf in the early 13th century.   The spelling of tea in those cultures  through the trading handled by Dutch and then followed by English, the spelling is based on the dialect “tê “

Even though the spelling in Chinese language are varied because of dialects but it is same in writing- 茶 (Cha in Mandarin).  Today tea is the most favored drink next to water and coffee in the world because of its fine flavor, good taste and benefits to health.

Making a cup of tea is very simple, all you need are tea (either loose leaves or tea bag), tea ware and water.  But one who really wants to benefit from tea  must first learn how to select the right quality, how to brew and how to consume correctly.  The learning can be more complex than you thought, but again, the entrance can be very easy starting from liking to drink tea.

There are many reports about the health benefits from tea based on various researches conducted in the world, all those international researches confirmed benefits of tea to health as mentioned in various Chinese ancient records and in traditional medicine writings:

  • The Catechins (antioxidants) in tea can increase the body’s ability to burn fat and improve muscle endurance. But don’t consume it as if ‘diet’ tea.
  • Correctly consume tea helps to prevent cardiovascular and degenerative problems
  • Tea is not miracle cure so don’t rely on tea to keep a healthy body
  • Tea has oxygen radical absorbance capacity, it helps to fight free radicals.
  • Tea provides hydrates to body, helps for the water circulation in body
  • Tea also contains Caffeine but it’s much less than found in coffee
  • Tea contains very mild natural calorie from tea saccharide but free from cholesterol without adding sugar or milk

Even though tea receives very positive assessment for health benefits from various researches, however  for the sake of sustaining a healthy balance life, it is better to respect the basic principle of “Zhong Yong中庸”, it means moderate and neutral, an important Confucius teaching that has very wide range of applications from health to living.  An old idiom “Wanner is er te veel, is te veel” in Dutch actually is very similar to that principle .

Tea is healthy ONLY IF people know how to choose the right tea, how to brew and consume correctly.  In most tea shops, customers can only purchase tea based on the  introduction or self-perception, here are some simple tips perhaps are useful for you to distinguish flavored quality vs. pure & natural quality:

  1. The color of dried leaf should be healthy brilliant but not dusty and dull
  2. You can easily identify whether leaves were hand-picked or machine picked.
  3. The aroma from natural quality dried leaf actually is mild and pleasant as if enjoying the spring breeze but not strong and sexy

Whether you like flavored quality or pure & nature quality that’s not the question because it’s just a matter of individual choice. However, your  decision reflects how you take your own responsibility to sustain a healthy life style; your actions will further directly and indirectly contribute  to the conservation of the ecological balance in nature .

There is no best quality tea but there are many good and even better quality tea.  However, the premium quality tea always are hand-picked loose leaf and being processed by respecting the unique characters from tea trees and follow the old traditional disciplines.  There are many quality grades under the same name and good quality loose leaf tea allows you to enjoy good flavor and taste in multiple brewing.

In this fast and chaotic changing time, many people are having health or relationships problems because of stress or burn out.  People are looking for quick cure from tea without knowing the key to unlock those problems is actually in their mind, in their heart.  In the tea sommelier certification program, you learn not only the basic knowledge of tea, taste a lot of tea and know how to brew tea correctly but also learn how to reach out to the inner peace.

Numbers of tea lovers and tea shops in Belgium are increasing, the market shares of flavored tea are also expanding fast and there are still many gray areas for pure & authentic quality tea that people do not know.   Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre is an unique centre for tea, closes to the centre of Antwerp.  There we provide various training programs, including tea sommelier certification program for particular, horeca and catering practitioners; consultancy service and authentic quality tea for tea sommeliers and tea lovers.  It has not been an easy journey to persist on pure & authentic natural quality tea, wisdom in tea and Chinese tea culture;  but the persistency in quality and eco-economics have finally received international recognition; two exclusive selections of organic tea,  Qingxin Honey Black and Formosa Beauty, both received  two golden stars quality award from International Taste & Quality Institute in 2016.

Mei Lan Hsiao, a certified Chinese Tea Master, the founder of Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre and Belgium Chinese Tea Culture Association has devoted her energy in tea teaching and promoting Chinese tea culture in Belgium since 1995.  In tea we share the same heart For years, she works directly with tea farmers, tea masters and cha ren who masters the production processes who share her same philosophy in eco-economics, pesticide-free quality and respect on Chinese traditional production discipliens in China and Taiwan. In 2016 the centre is being nominated by the Taiwan Tea Manufacturing Industry Association as EU Taiwan Tea Centre.

When you visit the Chinese tea centre, please do not just ask for a cup of tea, because there are plenty for you to choose from six tea types; please also don’t just ask for pure and authentic quality, because that is the only quality choice we have.

copyrighted Mei Lan Hsiao, Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre/Belgium Chinese Tea Culture Association, Email: Tel: +32494506899







Basic 4 steps to identify pure & nature quality tea vs. flavored tea

p_20161113_163902There are four basic steps to identify the tea you bought is flavored or nature pure quality tea:

  • The nature and pure quality tea does not have very strong aroma from dried leaf, the flavor will be transformed with the aging process.  On the contrary, the aroma from flavored tea will stay strong and unchanged.
  • Is there powder if rubbing the dried leaves.  If yes, then definitely it has been blended with extra additives or coloring
  • If the flavor is very strong and being quickly released with the water temperature higher than 80C, then the chance of being flavored tea is big.
  • If the flavor and taste dropped very fast after the first infusion, otherwise the taste starting from the 2nd infusion is very different from the 1st infusion, then the chance that tea you bought is flavored tea definitely is very big.

Happy Cha Yu Club

11781704_1014560521908969_6796420181465470833_nThere is a Chinese legendary story which my parents told me when I was young – Yu Gong who was able to move the mountain by his determination and perseverance.
Yu Gong 愚公 meant someone is old and fool who tried to move the mountain so people can pass across to the other side with a straight road.  When he first told his family, friends and neighbors about his plan to move the mountain, they all laughed at him, called him ‘fool’ and ‘crazy’. The only people helped him were his wife and sons.  Day by day, year by year, finally they did it ! The learning from this story is one must believe in his/her dream and back it up with firm determination and diligent efforts;  at end s/he can achieve things beyond  imagination.
“Why continue? Why not close down?” these are questions from the Tax Controller because he simply couldn’t understand why I continue when I lose money every year.
For years, I stubborn to promote the essence of Nature, Pure and Authentic flavor and taste from good quality tea without considering the ROI (Return of Investment) just because I love tea.  When I started in 1995 there were no so much tea shops as today, not to mentioned how many laughs or criticism still today. Sometime feel like a fish tries to swim again the strong current. Do I feel tire sometimes? Yes, of course, but I know I can’t stop and I don’t want to stop, because stopping means denying all those efforts were wrong.  I must criticize myself harder than criticism from others, but I simply can’t deny myself, certainly not my life. I  have to admit sometimes I feel a little bit tire and down; but I only allow that happens for less than a minute. 
Our goal is not to move the mountain, I strongly believe  disassembling the knowledge correctly and promoting the authentic Chinese tea culture are right things to do which  I am good at it,  I am happy to do it and I can  and should do to help more people learn to build and sustain a healthy life style when enjoying a cup of tea.
Interesting to join our Happy Cha Yu Club? Can simply subscribe in this blog, or can contact Mei Lan, Tel: +32-494-506899, Email:


自我介紹, 不管是在社交或是專業領域裡常見的溝通開瓶器, 想起27年前第一次在International ToastMaster Club 做第一場演講時, 在時間壓縮下, 原來準備好的自我介紹的演講稿卻是一字都記不起來, 突然腦空了. 那一天晚上我整個演講的內容繞著”我是誰”流轉.  同樣的問題今天卻要面對的不光是”我是誰”的簡單自我介紹, 更是有必要深入的質問自己”生命中是那些經歷塑造了今天的我”.


日昨一位內陸朋友問我貴姓, 我知道我們這個蕭姓在內陸有兩種簡體字寫法, 一是”萧” 而另一個是”肖”. 不管是怎麼樣寫, 我是永遠感激成為蕭家人. 至於那美蘭的名字, 小的時候自己這個名字裡又有”美”又有”蘭花”之意很有意見, 因為我從小是在鄉下長大的, 依稀記得曾見過一張大約是我們要搬到台北前跟一群孩子 在苗栗公館那裏的遊玩場地裡的照片,  那真可以用灰頭土面的來形容我們那一夥撕裂嘴笑的”野娃子”. 那個年代在我們那眷村中大家的情況相當, 許多都是父親在軍中分散台灣各地為台灣的捍衛或是建設努力, 住在苗栗第四被服廠眷村的妻兒子女可以套用”留守家人”來形容. 但是大家心中沒有苦, 只有一家親的友誼與親情. 而且我小時候的夢想可不樣一般女孩有的公主夢, 反而是跟父親一樣勇敢從軍, 所以一想到美麗蘭花這麼女性化的名字就全身不自在. 在小學時候每逢考試要在考卷上寫那橫橫豎豎一共四十九劃的名字, 光是寫名字我都寫到手癱了. 父親在玩笑下說, 那改成蕭一, 我又抗議, 那怎麼成. 太男性化啦. 所以想改名字的念頭就早早打消了.

從小我就跟弟弟不一樣. 弟弟只有一個名字, 而我有學名與小名(年華). 而小名是跟弟弟一樣依著蕭家 家譜排法, 屬”年”字輩. 小的時候也搞不清楚, 就這樣子朦朧過去了. 一直到了我後來發現我是不足月就被親生父母送養的事實的時候, 由親生姐姐們的名字裡我才了解美蘭原來是依照詹家女孩子們的名字排”蘭”字. 記得在獲知身世事實的時候我第一個想法是不想傷害雙邊父母, 特別是養我育我的父母尤其是母親; 同時父母可能是遵守當年對親生父母的承諾所以讓我保留用詹家的名字, 究竟是甚麼原因, 我沒去問也不想問, 然而這一份在雙方沒有正式合約但終老

Me and Mom in 2011

母親與我的最後合照 2011

死守承諾的決定更是讓我對父母人格的信服敬仰.  成長中這一次的覺醒對我日後如何面對與處理問題有很大的啟發性. 因為在生命中有多事情雖然不是自己的選擇,而且有許多時候不是我們想就可以解決, 在許多時候當面對這些非可控制因素的難題時最好的態度與方法就是”安然接受”, 及時放下心中那股莫名的憤憤不平的負面能量.


可能是在鄉間長大, 從小就自由玩耍慣了, 所以細想自己還真的有那麼一些好奇與叛逆個性. 就算我年紀還小的時候,  非常傳統, 嚴肅與保守的父親要求我絕對服從, 但是他的擇善固執更剛直不阿與不跟權勢低頭的個性早就在我年幼時就在我骨中植下只服理法而不盲目服從權勢的個性.  經常有人問我年輕的時候是否對人生有甚麼規劃. 我必須汗顏的坦承地說, 我始終保持那好玩, 好奇的個性, 只要是自己覺得有趣的人事物, 我就歡天喜地的學習, 反之則逃之夭夭.  中國人的家庭都要求孩子們努力學習, 在我那個”威權是從”還有體罰的年代, 我的成長當然也是搭上為學歷是從的公車, 雖然有叛逆性, 同時也很容易被傳統禮教的規條下接受必須屈服的必要.  但是學習甚麼或是如何投入的決定不是別人說了算, 而是必須是自己覺得有趣, 有意義, 好玩以及知道如何實用才行.  也就是說我不會等別人來修理我, 我先修理自己.  這也埋下我後來理性分析與務實的奠基.




1975年進入職場, 因為工作的方向是自己選擇的, 拒絕走關係後門, 所以心想在學校辛辛苦苦念了五年國際貿易與企業管理,  若是從一開始我進入一個已經很有規模的大公司我從小職員做起, 我怕我的學習面會很窄. 想到在大公司我的學習可能會受到拘限與枯燥, 所以在找第一個工作的時候我就在工作招生廣告中專注那些剛剛新成立的貿易公司. 第一個工作當然是小職員, 但是公司只有三人, 所以可以說沒有甚麼工作選擇權, 因為工作流程中每個細節都重要, 這也提供我一個以實務學習企業發展與管理的全面性所帶來的樂趣, 直接地促使我發揮主動與積極的個性.  從早到晚盡力埋頭苦幹. 起薪比同學低但是我不自卑, 因為我知道從頭學習的重要性.  記得那時我是每天開心地出門而傍晚開心唱個歌回家. 回想起來都不記得有倦勤或是勞累不堪的記憶因為不管怎麼樣在忙我都忙得很開心, 雖然公司不是我的, 但是看著公司成長, 由三個人成長到近30人的時候, 我盡力投入, 處處為 公司利益設想, 在心中把團隊成長看得比個人重要, 積極與主動的想法子把工作做好. 作為一名資深人員當然我也自然的扛起輔導新進人員的工作任務. 這也滿足了我團隊性的心理取向的同時也讓我養成人性領導的習慣.

一直到1991年離開台灣前, 除了惠普及Esprit是大公司以外, 其他的工作都是跟新興企業讓自己有很好的發揮的「從頭來」工作. 也曾在幾家國際型企業工作, 但是就如我一出校門時的分析, 在那些大公司我的能力特質反而受到限制發揮不出來, 其中的共同點是我的上司都是心理極為不安全與非常情緒化的女性主管. 在她們的「情緒化領導調教」下,  我得到寶貴的負面學習如何改善領導態度與方法.  這份學習到後來為法國迪奧駐台代理公司做為市場與培訓經理工作時讓我有機會發揮人性領導與幫助團隊發揮潛力, 當時我負責招聘, 人力資源培訓與銷售管理. 在當時我負責領導約80位Beauty Consultant .當我看到原來連總經理都不看好的那一群沒有學歷與經驗的女孩子能創造很好的業績與看到她們臉上表現出來的自信微笑, 那就是我最開心的成就.

從第一份工作開始我就從來不在意甚麼職務稱呼, 也沒有想過要跟老闆說想升到甚麼職位的野心.  對工作性質從來沒有任何意見, 只知道只要公司需要, 那就矇著頭努力幹. 工餘時就瘋狂地上夜校進修, 課程的選擇很多樣化由跟企業管理有關的專業技能培訓到烹飪與家政課程, 只要自己開心, 有空我就參加; 一天24小時一定要填得滿滿的沒有自己留下足夠的寧靜. 在那快速變化的時代中那種瘋狂式的工作與學習的努力當然也有應有的回報, 但是十年後, 我就面對了工作, 家庭, 健康與人生的十字路抉擇的Burn out的挑戰.

套句現在很流行的話 – 「在絕望時生命會找到出口」 – 就在身心交瘁的時候, 原來就愛茶的我在一次機緣下走入茶山, 歡喜的開始了茶的基本學習, 由喜歡與體會台灣保留的傳統功夫茶的茶香讓浮躁不安的心能得到寧靜, 給我一個體會由茶入靜的方法,  在那時有幸被藍旭如師傅收進門, 幫我開啟一扇學習導引氣功之門, 讓我身體進行復健的同時更體會健康無價的重要, 同時也體會到放輕鬆不需要很長與複雜的準備或是時段安排, 而在一念間靜靜調整吐納即可.  在那時茶與導引氣功成了我身心經由清靜與自然的方法進行復健.  這兩個方法由表面來看好像沒有甚麼連接, 但是其中的養生奧妙與禪靜的學習卻是相通的.

別看我在人前很外向開放, 喜歡開心嬉鬧, 但是當我內心苦惱時我卻是誰也不說, 也不知道怎麼說; 只知道矇著頭先想法子搞定自己, 思考如何解決與找到改善的方向與方法.  這個悶驢子的個性卻也是造成了為什麼在我開始工作成長後跟父母面前話家常的時間減少, 自然也就沒有時間讓她們知道我內心轉變的機會, 以致讓他們後來對我有誤會, 這一切都是自己的錯.  直到多年後母親才對我有了了解. 雖然沒有機會在父親走之前跟他說明白, 但在我心裡我想父親雖然嘴巴上不說但是他是了解我的. 我這個悶葫蘆的個性有的時候甚至會有朋友會認為我變了. 而每一次我只會苦笑的默然接受,  因為內在那一份脆弱真的是連我自己也搞不清楚, 所以當面對誤解時, 我不知道怎麼解釋, 也不想做任何無效的辯解. 就算這麼多年經歷了那麼多慘痛教訓, 我還是維持那湖南驢子的脾氣堅定地相信, 知我者, 知之, 不知我者, 不知. 一切隨緣, 隨意, 不必強求.

以前或因工作到國外開會或是旅遊, 甚至有一起念夜校的台大同學也勸我一起出國念書, 甚至有男朋友說願意幫我出錢要我跟他一起去美國, 在那個時候移民海外的念想也從來沒有在我心中浮現過. 因為我篤信任何事都須自己先有清楚目標方向後再行動, 而不會為了想出國而出國.  1988年那時我職任德國布萊梅州與布萊梅港駐台辦事處執行主管負責在台雙邊經貿合作與推廣業務, 在一次由美國管理協會在台北市舉辦的 “九二年歐盟整合後發展”的兩天會議中認識了在歐洲管理協會擔任銷售經理的前夫. 在專業會議後, 他一回到比利時就天天數通電話外加天天郵件的密集噓寒問暖的追求. 就在那從來沒有經歷過如此”猛烈被愛”的我就被那突然來的羅曼蒂克對愛的憧憬與幻想沖昏了頭. 這兩地相思的戀情很快地就讓我們想總不能一直分隔兩地, 所以當他求婚時我就昏頭的點了頭. 心裡想從1975年開始自己經歷多少次的工作轉換, 所以自己對自己應付變革的能力是有滿滿的信心, 就這麼樣的不顧父親的擔憂與反對在1991年決定嫁到比利時.

每一次回想起1991年五月踏入比利時的那一刻充滿期待性的憧憬, 那十多年為滿足前夫蓋別墅的夢想, 為家庭的付出, 努力掙扎, 真情換來虛假計算與無情背叛的那十幾年的苦痛, 就像一次次地揭開傷疤, 心理恐懼再起, 心再淌血一次. 但是我知道, 一次次掀起那些年的痛苦經歷的回憶, 就給自己一次療傷的機會.  終有一天血會放盡而疤殼會逐漸乾縮. 更何況假如我的經驗能給一些人提供參考價值, 那麼我的血就沒白流, 苦痛也有價值.


小時候老聽爸媽常說的,在家千日好, 出外處處難, 但是這個感觸一直沒進入心中直到人到國外打算從新開始新生活的時候才有確切的體會.  原來不管過去在台灣的學歷或是工作經歷有多好, 多精彩, 在這裡都被嚴重打折, 啥也不是, 一切從頭來.外加語言不通, 當時住在那Aartselaar 小鎮上, 剛開始是租了個公寓, 雖然對門與樓下有鄰居, 但是接觸也只是停留在最簡單的見面說聲 “Goede morgen”而已. 雖然以前在台灣的時候, 在週五晚上喜歡跟同事們去咖啡廳聽現場音樂或是Disco 去跳舞, 但是那種心情與前夫喜歡去曲棍球俱樂部去參加party截然不同. 前者我能褪下白天在職場的正經八百開心的跟朋友享受真實的自己, 在可以放鬆的場合裡, 我不喜歡為了滿足別人而裝扮,而在俱樂部我感覺不管我再怎麼努力也很難打入圈子, 沒有朋友, 卻要在人前假仙粉妝來裝飾自己,  再加上我不好酒水, 所以更加深了缺乏融入感, 與由心的歡喜感.  我只能盡力配合與陪笑. 在內心懷念當年不需要任何理由都會快樂歡笑的我.

或許是因為住在市郊, 而前夫跟他的父母只有期望我早點鑽錢的想法卻沒有幫我去了解如何解決語言學習與文化融入的課程, 所以也只能靠我自己盡力瞎摸與了解. 比起今天有那麼多單位能提供半強迫性的免費語言與文化融入課程, 我是真的走了許多冤枉路, 繞了許多不必要的圈圈, 雖然有時會抱怨但是我不容許我有自怨怨人的嗔癡心, 我還是衷心感謝那些紮紮實實的負面學習.

前夫的父母, 尤其是母親是很有種族歧視而卻本身沒有甚麼知識, 卻十分霸氣. 還沒正式結婚就發現我的前夫是被他媽寵壞的媽寶, 雙手無能, 死好面子. 卻不敢跟他媽說個不字. 一向自主的我, 說實在的我也沒想做個除了做飯就是掃地的家庭主婦, 更何況在那種族歧視的心理霸凌壓力下, 在跟前夫討論後, 就依他的建議用當時自己由台灣帶來的存款成立公司 (Bvba). 剛開始是幫台灣電腦硬體廠商做市場行銷, 偶而也幫台灣的資策會寫市場研究報告. 92年被同在商業中心的一家美國公司邀請負責發展管道銷售與公司內部管理, 在那幾年也努力地通過澳洲國際談判培訓組織培訓師驗證考核, 也幫前夫把想建造的別墅蓋好, 心想從事企業內部培訓的項目工作可以給自己跟剛剛出生的孩子有多一點時間, 可是沒想到前夫的母親卻堅持「幫忙」照顧老大. 父親往生的那一年, 前夫的父親也爆發心臟病, 我想起自己經歷父親的往生而無法在旁陪伴的遺憾, 讓我深切感受到孝親須及時不可有終生遺憾, 也想起父親曾教導的做好女人, 好妻子的倫理道德, 所以我天真的幫助前夫, 用愛敬我父母的心來照顧他的父母, 在那時我的好意邀請前夫父母, 他們也是住在同一小鎮, 讓我們一家人一起吃飯, 諾大的花園也可以給他喜歡動手整理花園的父親一些活動空間 維持健康. , 這一種想法讓我自己感覺有機會轉移我對在遙遠的海角的母親表達心裡孝意的心. 但是怎麼樣也沒想到我的好意卻變成了我持續被種族歧視,在人後遭受連女傭都不如地霸凌待遇以至到最後讓她藐視她兒子有外遇與對我開始肢體家暴的藉口. 可是諷刺的是不管她在怎麼強烈的種族歧視與霸道, 卻也阻止不了她兒子找的女人都全是她最看不起的蘇聯人及非洲人. 由兒子那邊聽到的片段我只能感嘆在要求離婚到今天這麼多年她的兒子, 也就是我的前夫還是個媽寶, 不改懶與對家人無心及無能的習慣, 雖然說前夫的母親那些年讓我吃盡了苦頭, 甚至 鼓勵我大兒子歧視與藐視我, 雖然在她家我只有痛苦的回憶, 但是有時想到她孤老看似有依卻無依的孤獨生活, 我對她只有憐憫.


從結婚那一天開始前夫想的就只有一件事, 蓋別墅. 蓋大房子. 當時由我負責房子的設計, 與建商的談判, 讓他利用我公司之名意跟銀行貸款, 他父親負責監工, 就這樣子完成了坐落於Aartselaar與Hemiksen 交界的邊邊上的房子工程, 說的好聽是在有錢的別墅區, 其實說穿了就是被隔絕在鄰里不親的偏鄉野外. 前不著村後不著店, 有鄰居但是沒有朋友. 連說個 “Goede Morgen” 的人都沒有.  在自己的家裡我是第 四等人, 感覺有我朋友來訪都得偷偷摸摸的. 記得有一次知行華人義工團的Alice 跟一群朋友來訪, 正好碰到直接進門的前夫父母, 他們的冷淡與敵意也讓當時來訪的朋友們感受到, 問我, “是不是我們不受歡迎?” 我只能苦笑的掩飾.

小的時候媽媽總是擔心的提醒我別盲目的沒有防人心, 她老愛說 “別笨的像頭豬, 被人賣了還幫人數鈔票,  高興的說好多錢”. 很不幸這一句話真的被她言中了.

那些年從台灣帶來的錢與後來工作收入全數投入公司戶頭, 而公司的銀行戶頭是由前夫掌控, 家庭開支由公司支付. 自己從來沒想過要存私房錢; 換句話說我是「全裸奉獻」.   由於語言上的障礙, 所以公司的帳務與當地單位聯絡及都由他負責, 我只專注工作與想法子在他母親不干預的時候照顧孩子, 鑽來的錢都存在公司帳戶裡.  沒想過私房錢也沒想過要防枕邊人. 每年他就要我轉移一些公司股到他的名下, 2001年一通錯誤的電話讓我感覺他有小三或是小四, 他當然否認反而說是被客戶性騷擾, 明知道他撒謊但是我卻選擇了聽信他的謊言, 採取「睜一眼閉一眼」的沙駝不願面對的消極態度處理, 那一年冷淡進階變成了家暴, 在家和萬事興」的傳統觀念下, 我還是選擇了原諒與忍.  那一年的年底不幸的我出了一次意外造成嚴重肢體嚴重受傷. 他跟他的父母對我不但沒有任何關切, 反而是冷言冷語指責我. 他 三天兩頭”到芬蘭出國考察 “. 關係從冷淡變到冰點, 那更加深了我身心 疲憊與莫名的恐懼, 利用那機會他「好心建議」我療傷, 把公司90% 股份轉到他名下. 我也沒細想與提防, 就在心力交瘁的情況下同意他的「好心建議」.

我想再下去, 大家就可以想像一頭小蠢驢如何被殘酷賤賣的的窘樣. 沒錯,在我把公司90%股份轉到他名下後, 肢體與心理家暴情況不見改善, 反而是越演越烈. 心中說不出來的苦就愈來愈大, 恐懼不安更加深了我不知所措的無助感, 我變得更沉默. 當住在芬蘭的蘇聯小三高調地在電話中跟我承認他們早自1991年就開始有性關係, 而前夫早就跟她說要跟我離婚, 到今天我還很清楚的記得那一天早上她在電話說的每一個字  「so what, my husband knows that too」. 真的是一對不知羞恥男女. 當我質問前夫的時候他還撒謊說沒有性關係, 說我有神經病, 但是這一次我決定要把事情了解清楚. 我必須了解公司的確實狀況, 當我開始自己檢查收到的帳單時, 由電話單上可以清楚看出當我回台灣探親時那兩周他每一天密集電話, 那根本就是當年他追我熱戀模式的再翻版. 更何況小三自己在電話中都跟我坦白了,  我還能被他引用美國前總統克林頓的同一手法來解釋口交不是性交的伎倆欺騙嗎?

假如沒有孩子, 離婚根本是個簡單的決定. 但是為了孩子, 我必須努力看是否能挽救一個完整的家. 但是他那些年的家暴與霸凌行為真的事讓我嚇破膽了. 所以我要求分居而不同意離婚. 臉一旦撕破, 因為他擁有公司90% 股份所以他就把我從公司「開除」, 逼迫我同意離婚的手段也是愈來愈醜陋與不堪, 比如說明知我沒有私房錢, 拒絕遵守法院判決支付扶養費, 在冬天切斷家中的水電瓦斯, 希望貧困的事實能逼迫我與孩子搬離房子. 好言溝通甚至連救護的警方介入都沒有用, 就只有強迫我必須一次次到法院作申訴要求法院指派法警強制通告執行, 在不同的法庭上(家庭法庭, 親子協議庭, 公司法庭)他與他的律師就使盡所有不堪的言語來汙辱我, 否定我作為一個人與母親應有的權力與尊重, 有幾次他們的言論之惡劣是連法官都看不過去, 聽不下去, 就在庭上就曾有法官當著他的面安慰我不要懼怕因為我的基本人權是不會受語言問題而受到歧視. 就在那一段時間比利時法律也就為了減少多年纏訟的離婚案子, 原來本來會比較將年幼孩子的扶養權比較偏向判給母親的作法也在改變中, 當然我也不能輕視前夫使用的各種種族歧視策略也發揮功能的事實. 他有他的父母做精神與金錢後盾, 而我就只是空空洞洞無助的一個人; 兩年半以來每年要上法庭2-3次, 每一次都感覺被剝一層皮, 當他玩弄的手法愈來愈惡劣,  我終於能接受我一個人是無法保護孩子給他們一個完整的家, 離婚不再是我願不願意的選項, 在看透他人性惡劣後, 只能感嘆鏡子碎的太嚴重根本無法補救, 而我一個人也無法補救了.  一旦認清事實離婚與否就不再是個選項, 而是我嚴肅面對要怎麼樣理性處理離婚的項目了.

心理恐懼與焦慮是早在2001 年感覺他有外遇前就開始, 一個人在海外, 剛開始的時候一來是自己也說不清楚, 二來也是不知能跟誰說又能說甚麼.  雖然在身邊有一些朋友但是卻也是有心苦口難開之苦. 那段時間最刻骨銘心的教訓就是, 就算我不哀求朋友關心, 但是當輾轉由他人聽到自稱是朋友的人在背後指指點點及諷刺言語, 那種笑貧不笑娼的冷酷人情現實更是逼使我縮進殼中, 強迫自己堅強起來, 以更客觀與理性來面對與處理自己的問題. 今天回想起, 真的是很感謝那些給我痛苦教訓的人情現實, 因為那些令人背冷的誤解與流言促使我的個性變得更堅強, 處事更沉穩.

焦慮一日日啃食我. 那種身心之累實在是不知道怎麼表明. 自從2002年7月發現前夫有外遇的事實, 然後再準備法院呈訴時, 才由後來發現的文件中了解前夫可能早有預謀. 結婚十年我從來沒有存私房錢, 年幼的孩子也飽受驚嚇, 而那兩年半多前前後後上了不下 12不同法院訴訟, 還在淌血的傷口不但沒有機會復合, 反而是每一次被無情的剝去一層, 又一次次的淌血. 最大的愧歉是對那遠在台灣關心、擔憂我的年老媽媽.  每一次感覺到撐不下去的時候, 我就在獨自一人的時候在心中跟已往生的父親吶喊的說 “爸, 我盡力了. 我沒有汙衊家風”.

到了2005年我是真的累癱了, 我體諒孩子們也希望能跟父親有同等時間, 所以在清楚了解不管他們玩甚麼花樣, 我永遠是孩子的母親. 尊重孩子意願的情況下我不再爭取全部撫養權.  在許多人眼裡看到的是一棟令人稱羨好看的大房子, 也認為我應該知足應該去爭取, 但是對我來說那只是一堆用磚頭與水泥砌成的磚房. 由律師那裏了解公司法中我能爭取的權力有限之後, 我更是不想再住在那棟別墅裡, 因為每一磚每一瓦都會提醒我當時對家及愛的愚蠢幻想跟後來經歷的痛.  我想要的是一個有愛的家而不是冷冰冰的磚瓦房.  至於離婚之爭, 也有朋友建議我不可輕饒他, 可以靠他的扶養費過日子, 而這一點我也想開了. 因為若是那樣做那麼我還是活在恐懼中.  甚至連工作都不能找, 否則他可以三時五時的去法院申訴. 換句話他可以掌控我如何活下去. . No, I can not, 我不能容許自己讓前夫有任何機會把他無情的手掐在我的脖子上, 再給他那種他能掌控我生命的病態快感.

我于茶, 茶于我

我于茶, 茶于我

這一次站在人生焦慮挑戰狀況中,  我承受的焦慮與苦痛比1985年更甚, 但是最大的差別是我沒有模糊方向.  1985年的經歷幫助自己釐清自己的方向, 我知道我是誰, 在生命中何者為重. 父親自幼的儒家教導, 茶與導引氣功禪淨的習練給我的自然調整養生方法.  鼓勵我在茶文化與養生方面的推廣與練習更投入.  茶不再是想法子在比利時進行文化融入時深化自己文化根源的學習, 而變成了茶是我, 我是茶. 跟我學導引氣功的外國友人在了解我經歷的苦痛與傷痛都說我很堅強, 我也只淡淡的回道「苦難讓我清

We share something in common that we both love to laugh, from our heart

Ivo 跟我的共同嗜好 – 由心裡衷心的笑, 簡單平安就是福

醒, 苦頭讓我堅強」, 我不能說今天的我比過去的我強大, 但是今天的我遇事實的自制力的掌控確實是比過去堅韌了許多. 在苦難中更給我認識自己機會, 看清友誼不能強求, 人與人之間分分合合乃是人世中的正常現象. 人與人之間沒有甚麼好比的, 更不需要花時間去哀怨. 今天我真心感激在苦難的那幾年裡能交到一些值得很尊重的好朋友, 同時感謝那些給我負面教訓的朋友, 因為他們給了我「學習如何選擇」的教訓. .

就在人生似乎非常灰暗不敢再有夢的時候, 在一次「Tea For Two」的陶藝展展示茶道時, 第一次遇到想對中華茶文化多了解的 Ivo. 我們兩個是因茶結緣, 一段用一般常理都認為不可能的感情因茶緣而發芽. 在那時有許多人不解與看衰我們, 甚至嘲笑我們. 但是也有一些真心為我們開心的朋友, 記得當我心中有恐懼的時候, 很有智慧與愛心的婆婆跟我說的, 一個鍋一個蓋合在一起就是緣, 莫管他人怎麼說.

剛開始我有的時候也會忍不住的問他, 「我又不年輕, 又沒錢, 又沒美貌, 還帶著兩個孩子, 你愛我甚麼?」, 記得他只傻笑的回道「為什麼不? 我喜歡妳笑容裡的可愛」 . Ivo也會孩子氣的問我同樣的問題, 思遍之後我也只說 「我愛你的笑容, 你的正直, 和善與像 山一樣的給我安全感」 . 真的, 愛不需要問為什麼. Ivo跟我是否日後有機會慶祝銀婚, 那不是我們要問或是擔心的事. 我們每一天安心過我們簡單低調, 簡單快樂的生活. 有好幾年都是在結婚周年日過後我們才想起我們錯過那一天的慶祝, 但是我們心中都沒有疙瘩, 怎麼樣補救呢? 很簡單囉, 就到茶禪室中練習導引養生鬆身法,  靜坐後來享受禪茶一味的寧靜.  當然我們也有爭吵的時候, 而我們都遵守當時我們兩個決定的方法處理 – 到禪靜室去靜一靜, 讓情緒穩定下來. 許多時候負面能量就這麼樣的消失了. 我們歡喜在臨睡前穿著睡衣在茶室裡輕輕鬆鬆安靜享受一盞好茶. 那就是我們的 Happy Hour.

多年在職場上養成的習慣與自信, 所以在專業領域我不會害羞或是退縮, 我樂於展現自信. 但是在個人生活中我體會濟公活佛「莫生氣」的智慧不與人爭. 常有朋友說我變了許多,  我只能跟自己調侃地說若是養我的父母都不能完全了解在那喜歡歡笑面孔下的內在脆弱, 那麼我又如何期望一般朋友或是同事知我, 瞭我? 還是那一句話, 知我者, 知之, 不知我者, 不知. 一切隨緣, 隨意, 不必強求.

我是從哪裡來, 那早就不是問題了, 在成長過程高高低低每一個細節塑造今日的我, 若今日無法誠實的面對自己, 那又能塑造甚麼樣的未來呢?  成長中的風風雨雨, 高低起伏, 光耀與苦難都像彩虹般的過去了. 現在只想健康平穩地過下去. 未來會如何, 我不去做無謂的擔憂, 因為眼前的努力就是明日的種子. 若是每一天都過的簡單平實, 那麼那麼只有一碟小菜配飯那也是溫暖美味, 何必一定要在生日或是周年日大肆慶祝, 因為每一天都可以是值得慶祝的歡樂日, 又何必限定是哪一天呢. 愛與快樂不需要問為什麼, 感情或是友誼更不是能計算回收的, 只要安心攜手分享片刻就好.


多年苦力自學後, 終於有幸能遵從范老師增平先生的教導, 那一天由老師手上接到的那一紙不光是認同我多年學習成就的認可證明, 更代表期許我再加倍努力繼續前進的護照

多年苦力自學後, 終於有幸能遵從范老師增平先生的教導, 那一天由老師手上接到的那一紙證書不光是認同我多年學習成就的認可證明, 更代表期許我再加倍努力繼續前進的護照





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