Belgium Chinese Tea Centre

Only Pure & Authentic Quality Tea


自1995年至今国外的茶市场确实在缓慢成长, 然而市场依然是被加了香精或是使用精油的加味茶为主. 市场在成长, 虽然加味茶的佔有率与成长率更大更快, 但是我确实也观察到对优质茶的需求也在开放成长之中.速度虽然慢, 但是成长的曲线是存在的,对进口商来讲他们以利润优先,压低购买价,低价出售,求量为主,但是对逐渐在成长的茶饮爱好者他们关心的是健康, 长见的问题在 ”又要马儿好又要马儿不吃草“的现实品牌建立, 如何立信与持续经营的战略挑战。


拿一个臺湾的金萱乌龙来说,一个对”乳” (ㄖㄨ三声) 字拼音的误会造就了以为加了牛乳(ㄋㄞ   三声) 香料浓郁的“牛奶乌龙”就是最好品质的乌龙。这只是一例。也曾接触许多国内的饮茶人误以为伯爵红茶比国内的红茶好,而不知那是加了香精的红茶。诚实标示产品内含物是一个法律与道德的问题。

前阵子在看一本国外的花草茶书籍时,虽然那位英国作者是专精精油, 然而在书中有也提到慎用精油的必要,在书中作者有提到这些年有许多好动儿 (ADHD, ADD) 的产生似乎与食物与饮料中使用香精与长期过量食/饮用有相当的关联.但是书中并未提到国 外哪些单位或是专家有做这方便的研究。

不知国内有没有哪一个单位有对香精或精油食用长期对人体健康的影响的研究报告? 因为这类研究报告会对在国外推广中国精品优质纯茶突破价格瓶颈会很有帮助。

这麽多年来不是没有想到到国内参加茶艺师或茶评审的考证, 一来是不知有哪些严谨的单位在哪时有办类似课, 二来我对市间那些课程是真的有扎实的学术基础不是很清楚。 与其因渴望学习而被误入丛林不如谨慎行之, 所以我选择漫长的不断的品比, 自省与自修方式深入学习. 更重要的关节点是,我所面对的市场是国外而不是国内. 所以国内的证书对我来说虽然是很有吸引力, 那可以验证我的我对茶的知识与能力水平的肯定, 但是这些证书在国外没有相对应的教育单位会认同, 所以也没有绝对必要性与紧急度。

目前在国外确实有一些人与个人办的茶课, 绝大多数是短期, 拿了一份 Tea Sommelier 的证书却依然无法分辨纯茶与加味茶的区别, 因为有许多是以低挡次或是加味茶为学习标的物。 所以几年前我决定在我协会的架构下成立中华茶学院, 就以中国精品质优纯茶为根本. 对在国外推广中国精品茶的我, 认为更重要的是能有正确的资讯, 正确的态度与方法学习茶与分享茶知识。

多年前我也曾跟范老师坦白表达, 我很感激与尊重他们80年代在台湾一些爱茶与珍惜茶文化的前辈为復兴中华茶文化所做的传承的投入与努力, 因为他们给我们树立了一个很好的榜样。然而当时他们为了能想把中华茶文化的传承与日本茶文化的差异做区隔 ( 因为日本已经成功的把”茶道 Cha Dao”两字植入外国人的认知) 所以创建了”茶艺Tea Art”二字, 而这”茶艺”二字也间接的造就了今日茶艺界的乱象。 反观这三十多年来中国传统茶文化由台湾再回故地復甦与发芽, 似乎造就了市场更努力的在茶艺两字上营造文化市场. 优美的服饰, 漂亮花俏的泡茶姿势, 其中又有多少与茶有关呢?

为什麽我们的茶艺虽好看却不入人心? 麽这麽多年来在国外甚至经常有外国人问我 “啊, 你们中国也有茶文化?” 没错, 这些年来到中国旅游或是公干的人数有增加, 但是还有更多的人是对我们中国或是不了解或是带有有色眼镜来评断我们.  这些挑战激励我自1995年开始就时时刻刻提醒自己要警惕必须严格面对与处理的挑战。

Which Tea I Recommend Today?

Yesterday evening I received a ‘great’ question on #Instagram – “Which tea I would recommend today”.

There are two key words in this question : WHICH & TODAY.

Personally I love all tea types and I choose always from fine quality pure tea that allows me to enjoy its natural and complex flavors and tastes.

I tend to discipline myself from very vivid and sexy intensive flavors that chanting to my nose. Of course, natural pure scents are important, but can flavors reflect in tea liquid and the complexity in fine tastes are even more attractive to me.

Drinking tea for health

I do pay close attention on which tea type of tea to choose according to the change of season and weather, because there are many choices we have in our tea centre in each tea type. I simply close my eyes and listen to let my heart to guide me with my decision.

The tea I chose last night was an aged Shou Pu’erh because of two reasons :

1) we had a pretty big meal in the evening that we would like to stimulate our digestion a little bit

2) the air pressure was increasing without rain, I sensed the need to stimulate the water circulation through mild sweating.

It rains today, so guess which tea speaks to my body today?

Caring of Yixing Teapot

Keep a teapot in good condition is not that difficult. Never use soap or detergent to wash it, definitely not in a dish washing machine Certainly do not clean the naked ceramic teaware, i.e. Yixing, in a dish washing machine.

This shape is known as “Shoulder of a Beauty”

The above mentioned cleaning method is suitable for all material Teawares, including those made from Yixing clay, Actually all teaware can be easily cleaned with warm water after the each use, because there is no fat or any chemical substance from pure quality tea.

Should be careful when buying “old” Yixing teapots on line because photo can easily being PS, and there are lots of faked old Yixing teapots sold in the market.

In case the “old” Yixing teapot you bought has pretty dark color stains inside, I would suggest

  • cook it several times with water to remove the old flavor and stained color
  • bush it well after each cooking.
  • Afterwards cook it at least once with the oolong tea that you want to use it in the future.

If you really care about Your health, then learn to listen your body better, and don’t underestimate the importance of learning tea. Pure and authentic quality always is the best choice.

If you really care about your teaware, then don’t be lazy. Clean all teaware, including pot and cups, with warm water after each use.

I can’t afford to buy authentic antique Yixing teapot, but I am glad to grow old together with my Yixing teapots. Dedication is important for a naked ceramic teapot to become a more brilliant living ‘partner’ in your tea journey.

Bad Tea Drinking Habits

There are six typical boggy traps in tea drinking, even many experienced tea drinkers are falling into the temptation without knowing:

  1. Drinking tea with Empty Stomach or early in the morning before breakfast
  2. Drinking Strong Tea in the late evening
  3. Like to drink freshly made New Tea
  4. Drinking Excessive Quantity of tea
  5. Drinking too much Strongly Brewed Sheng Pu’erh
  6. Drinking tea after drinking Alcohol

Are you unconsciously falling into either one of it without knowing?

If drinking tea is not for health, then perhaps the healthiest drink is water. Whether you believe in reconcillation, life after life or not, the reality is we only live once in this life.

Your health is not relying on which tea you drink, it depends on how you take responsibility on the choice you make in everyday life.

Eco-Oolong Workshop

Eco-Oolong Workshop

2-days workshop with Chinese Tea Master, Mei Lan Hsiao, in Berlin, Germany

Even though there are more than 50 countries growing tea worldwide, but China remains as the home of all tea types today. Among the 6+1 tea types, Oolong (Qing Cha 青茶) probably does not have the longest history but is the tea type that has most attractive characters with complex multiple layers of flavors and tastes. 

Oolong tea, in general, is known as semi-fermented tea, however there are more regional factors influence the best suit for Oolong tea.  Type of tea leaves used from which unique tea tree cultivars in which season create different flavors and tastes.  Also Oolong tea has higher quality demands on  MaoCha and the later roasting process. 

Tea tree cultivar can be migrated, and production processes can be learned or copied, but Oolong tea can not be duplicated , Good quality Oolong tea demands not only diligently production control, it requires good quality tea leaves from healthy tea trees; and healthy tea trees relies on an eco-balanced growing environment and conditions.

There are vase choices in Oolong tea and there are amazing stories about the Nature and people behind each tea leaf.  The WKP Natural Eco-Tea Garden definitely is an interesting one for Oolong tea lovers.

In this 2-days Oolong Tea Workshop in Berlin, you will not only have more information and also learn-by-tasting Oolong tea from Fujian, Canton and Taiwan in depth.  

2-Day Workshop Program Outlines:

  • What make Oolong tea unique?
  • How organic is true organic?
  • Difference in Eco-tea garden vs. organic tea garden
  • Critical production processes influence the flavors and tastes
  • Adaptable tea brewing for light- vs. traditional oxidized fermentation oolong
  • Cha Qi in Oolong tea?
  • Tea Tasting – Taiwan Gaoshan Oolong
  • Tea Tasting – Taiwan traditional Dong Ding Oolong
  • Tea Tasting – Fujian Southern – Anxi Tie Guan Yin / Formosa Beauty
  • Tea Tasting – Fujian Northern – Wuyi Rock Tea  / Baiya Chi Lan
  • Tea Tasting – Canton Kongfu cha – FengHuang DanCun
  • Eco-Oolong tasting – Traditional MeiZhan Oolong
  • Eco-Oolong tasting – Tie Guan Yin Oolong
  • Eco-Oolong tasting – Jin Xuan Oolong

For more information, please contact Mei Lan Hsiao, Email: Tel: +32-494 50 68 99

Wu Wo Cha Dao Workshop

Wu-Wo Cha Dao 無我茶道

Tea, philosophies and enlightenment practice through tea cover all aspects to reach peace and harmony in body and mind through continued self-discipline and act on morals are critical principles in the mental and health cultivations in Chinese tea culture for Way of Tea (Chinese Cha Dao 中華茶道). The emphasis in Chinese tea culture is not limited to health, in fact, it covers much broader in the social cultur level and the spiritual civilization level in depth.

Wu-Wei (無為) is based on ancient Taoism philosophy, it literally means “inexertion” or “inaction” that commonly referred to an ideal form of leadership.  The concept of Wu-Wei (無為) emphases respecting to the Nature, the behavior modification and corrections in mentality and behaviors, starting from self before imposing on others. Inaction sounds passive, but actually it sets higher standards for proactive thinking and behaviors. 

In the time when we have great concern about the ecological balance in the Nature and how it affects our life, perhaps we should try to understand the level of interactive relationships and responsibilities behind the philosophical text written by the ancient Chinese political and philosopher, Guanzi:

The heaven dominates the righteous, the earth dominates the peace and man dominates the calmness

天主正, 地主平, 人主平靜 .

These two Chinese characters, Wu-Wei 無為, are easy to translate individually but difficult to implement in reality two words together without comprehending the meaning of Wu-Wo 無我 (Selfless).

The “I” is not in “Me”, but in “Everyone”

The philosophy in Wu-Wo Cha Dao 無我茶道 is not limited to how to perform the Chinese tea ceremony. The aim of Wu-Wo Cha Dao workshop aims to build and to correct the potential learning blocks through shaping behaviors, enhancing morals, enlightening calm and peace in body and mind.

形不正, 德不來; 中不靜, 心不治.  敬除其捨, 精將自來.

Each Wu-Wo Tea Gathering is an unique opportunity for tea lovers to get together when to share a moment of peace and harmony through tea.


In the Wu-Wo Cha Dao Workshop we start from the learning on how to prepare, to brew and to serve tea, meanwhile it goes far deeper to examine the wisdom in water, the practice of peace and harmony through self-disciplinary processes and social behaviors, and implementing the undifferentiating attitude through a circle of energy.

2-Day Workshop Program Outlines:

  • What is Dao
  • Enlightenment through Tea
  • Wisdom in Water
  • Alignment in Body and Mind
  • Incorporate with Breath Exercise
  • Meditation with Tea
  • Tea Setting for Wu-Wo tea ceremony
  • Rules and principles to follow in Wu-Wo Cha Dao
  • Building a Peaceful Circle of Tea


  • The program emphases Leaning-by-Doing, therefore lots of intensive exercises, reflections and exercises
  • Dressing code: Loose and comfortable
  • We will provide tea during the workshop, but the final exercise we encourage participants to bring their own tea and tea ware
  • Participants should bring:
    • Yoga mate and meditation cushion
    • Tea ware (Gaiwan or small teapot)
  • For the final exercise, participants should bring:
    • Tea
    • Tea mate
    • A thermo (1L)
    • Serving cup
    • 4 small drinking cups
    • Tea towel

SongYang Black Tea

Tea is more than just a cup of beverage that can satisfies you with fine flavors and taste, it is about how to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

It is my pleasure to take part in the first ourdoor “Brew your own tea” event on 7/7/2019 in Antwerp. For this event, I particular choose the natural organic quality SongYang Black Tea. 


Why SongYang, because it’s not so well known outside of China? First of all, in this period when we are moving towards to mid. summer, it is time not only to think about how to stimulate the Ying energy, but also should consider what and how to neurite the Yang energy and not too aggressive to stomach. A black tea made from early Spring picking does can meet this requirement.


Secondly, the best assurance for organic tea is not just to rely on the organic stamp or certificate, but it goes back to how the tea growing regions implement the organic agricultural police. SongYang is known as the most beautiful recreation county, a small tea growing region where the local government and people are committed to the sustainable organic agricultural development  in Zhejiang province,  China. The sustainable organic agricultural development in SongYang should be known and recognized.

The altitude of the birthplace for SongYang Black Tea  is about 600-800meters above sea level.  The tea garden must follow the most restrict organic principles because the tea garden is situated above from the water reservoir.


The early Spring hand picked SongYang Black Tea would attract you with its unique mixture sweet flavors of orchid, caramel, star anise, clove and common sage (salie).

Come to join us and listen to how this unique black tea would whisper to you, heart-to-heart.

Jin Jian Mei Is Awarded for its Remarkable Taste

Here it is my pleasure to share a good news with all tea lovers that our natural organic premium quality golden tippy black tea, Jin Jian Mei, has received ITQI 2-star Remarkable Taste Award this year.

“The Best” is only a point on the journey that we need to move forwards. An objective evaluation on Shape, Color, Flavor, Taste and After Taste help us to have a better view on what and where else to improve in the future and we are motivated for continue quality improvements.

Tea and life are alike, can’t see the end of the life-time learning journey, the only thing we can and should do is to keep moving forwards on the right path; not losing our heart and forgetting what drove us into tea path at the first place.

Here I would like to thank to all sommeliers and ITQI for their excellent efforts and objectiveness to the professional taste evaluation.

For years friends or people questioned why Belgium Chinese Tea Arts Centre, a small tea centre in Antwerp, dedicated to pure authentic quality teas, primary from China and Taiwan, since 1995. All those years, our devotion remains the same:

We truly believe tea lovers deserve the best and safe quality tea that they can enjoy not only with fine quality in flavours and tastes, most importantly is good for health.

Deepen Roots before Jumping

I was so inspired by this photo and statement which I read the introduction of Grand Master Kuo Chen-Xiang who founded the “ErMei Median Healing Method” which he emerges the Chinese ancient philosophies in ErMei Wushu, TCM and Chinese Buddhism in the daily healing exercise :

One loses its solidity if roots are not growing firmly deep.

One may not reach enlightenment if the mind is not straight.

No method can work effectively without refined medical advancement and accumulation of practices and wisdom

The brief summary above basically can be applied not only in the natural healing exercise to improve the physical conditions and health, most importantly to enlighten the living philosophies to improve the health in body, mind and spirit.

Simple message with complex wisdom, for health and life.

MAF, A Break Through Discovery in Tea

Professor Liu Zhong-Hua from Hunan Agriculture University gave A presentation in the T20 Tea Conference on 17/05/2019 about tge discovery of new substance, MAF – Mitochondria activation factor, a high-molecular-weight polyphenol, that can enhance the strength of muscle and other health benefits.


According to the research, MAF also has significant effects on reducing  blood sugar, hypolipidemic, aids weight lose , prevent muscle atrophy. These are very good news for people, particular elderly, who gradually lose the strength or tone of muscles.

According to their research 1-2% MAF are found from semi- to full fermented teas, such as #Oolong and #Blacktea.

They will continue the research by cooperating Japanese research institutes. No matter what this discovery laid a important milestone for health research on fermented tea (black tea), semi-fermented tea (Oolong)and post-fermented tea (Dark Tea).

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