Dao(導)means “Guiding”, Yin (引)means “Attracting the streamline”, Qigong (氣功)means energy exercises. DaoYin Qigong has been practising by Chinese more than 3000 years according to ancient scripts and there are at least more than 3000 different forms of qigong exercise. Therefore Daoyin Qigong is not form constrainted exercise, it is a state of mind that works with the body.

Those who can loosing up and enable flexibility with calmness are able to guide and streamline the energy flow
Before stretching, first learn how to relax and extend.
Before strenthening, first learn how to align, listening and respect.
Principles of breathing techniques and fundamental energy exercise in Daoyin Qigong are also applied in the most commonly known Chinese martial arts and energy exercises, such ad Taiji Chuan and different disciplines in martial arts (gongfu).
- Daoyin Qigong emphases more than relaxation as many people like from Taiji Chuan, it emphases on functional healing in body and mind.
- There are some ancient forms, but each can be practised separately without form constrain.
- Relaxation and healing start from breathing, strengthening muscles through yielding, stretching and twisting movements
- Consciously relax the sub-consciousness, allows you to control the body and mind by seems not controlling.
- Integrate the Daoist wisdom of Wu-Wei (無為,Act Not)and Wu -Wo (無我,Me Not)and Zen meditation in simple movements.
- Simple breathing and relaxation exercises for everyone regardless age or physical conditions.
Daoyin Qigong helps
- To warm up and relax muscles
- To improve and to enhance energy flow
- To leach up blocks in body that hidden the energy flow in body while relaxing body and mind
- To maintain calm and assertiveness in body and mind
In Daoyin Qigong you learn
- Breathing techniques
- Enhance alignments, correct postures
- stretching and twisting for muscles warm-up, relaxation and strengthening
- Zen meditation
Healthy lifestyle begins from paying attention on every detail that aims to improve the immunity system in the attemp of preventing trouble conditions to occur.
The understanding in simplicity enlarges the capacity to manage complexity.
The advancement in internet technologies provide us a lot of convinces, but we can easily become more egoism and put more focus on the cyber space of Center-Me, in the wheel of change, unconsciously it increases a lot psychological stress because we do not having enough time for the True-Me.
There is no way to create time or gain more time than 24 hours if we can’t even give ourselves some time.
Mei Lan Hsiao started to learn and practice Daoyin Qigong in 1985 when she was diagnosed for spinal shift on low back due to previous excessive incorrect aerobic exercises. She was fortunated being accepted by Martial Arts Grand Mater of Northern Praying Mantis, Lan Shu-Ru, due to her physical pain so she focus only on the healing aspects in Daoyin Qigong with Master Lan, and later with Master Lee Qing-Han.
Mei Lan knows how to apply the wisdom learning in Tea and Daoyin Qigong in healing based on her past unpleasant experience in physical injuries, psychological burn-out and emotional chaos. Mei Lan knows not only about theoriesis behind each movement, she is a living example of how to live by practicing.
Agenda of Daoyin Qigong workshop in Antwerp:
- Tianxin Zen Tea, Quellinstraat 29, Antwerp
- Thursday 10:00-11:30
- @the -park, Uitaslaan 84, Boekenberpark, Deurne
- Sunday 11:30 – 12:30
For more infirmation, please contact Mei Lan Hsiao, Tel : +32 494 506 899, email: info@chinesetea.be
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