Only Pure & Authentic Quality Tea

Category: Tea Types Page 1 of 8

The Tast of Tea


In the most well known Chinese web media, they mentioned the taste of tea is bitter, however it won’t stay on the bitterness. But, is it correct for Chinese fine quality teas? Perhaps the text written in the ShenNong BenCao Jing about tea – “the basic character of tea is bitter” – has been misunderstood that many people think the taste of tea should be bitter. Let’s face it, who in the world like bitterness in food or drink by knowing it can be bitter?

As matter of fact, the taste of fine quality tea provides you a sensual tasting experience:

Once it enters the mouth, the tip of tongue will be charmed by its gentle smoothness and mild sweetness, it tranvels further to the middle on the tonque and gradually spreading to both sides, glidely simulate the water in mouth at the side end, then turns back to the front to enjoy the mild astringency and sweetness under the tonque. In other word, tea polyphenols, amino acid, tea tannin, tea polysaccarides and natural frangrance substances will play around by turning in the mouth before swallowing. The taste of fine quality teas will not lock our throat because excessive bitterness or strong astringency that the body dislikes.

The first impression of excessive bitterness in taste could prevail several problems:

  1. Problem in the tea production process due to one who make tea fail to produce tea by knowing tea
  2. One who brew tea fail to brew tea by acknowleding tea that fail to bring out the best characters that we can appreicate from the tea taste, often the tea has excessively brewed in the brewing process.
  3. Gushu has very rich biochemical compounds in tea leaves, brewer does need to pay attention on the brewing process.

看到国内媒体提到茶是先苦,但并不会停留在苦上。 但是中国好茶是真的应该先苦吗? 其实神农本草经中提到”茶性本苦”这一句或许误导许多人以为茶必须苦才好。试问,世上谁明知苦而爱吃苦?

其实好茶一入口它的微甜滑顺立刻会让我们舌动,微涩在舌中间逐渐转化散开,刺激两翼生风,再转回; 换句话讲茶多酚、茶氨酸、茶碱、茶多糖与芬香物质在我们还没吞下去前先在我们的嘴裡会转化,游玩了一圈后再入胃。而不是锁喉让我们喉咙不舒服,身体会排斥的苦涩。


  1. 制茶者未能知茶制茶,在制茶工艺中出现的品质问题。
  2. 泡茶者未能识茶泡茶,未能好好掌控泡茶过程而未能让茶展现茶汤之美。
  3. 茶叶内涵物非常丰富,而被泡茶者忽视,把茶泡的太浓了。

copyrighted Mei Lan Hsiao, 萧美兰

Tea Tree & Environment Determine Tea Quality

Among 6+1 tea types, oolong tea only has about 1000 years of history, it is not same as fine quality green/white/yellow or golden tippy black tea that mainly from small sized tea leaf and it does not rushing out for tea picking in the early spring. Oolong tea does have specific requirements for quality from fully opened mid-sized tea leaves that picked in the early May.

The health of tea Tree and Eco Blanced biological growing environment determine the basic quality in flavour/s and taste of tea.

Mei Lan hsiao, chinese tea master

The long lasting and complex multiple layers of aroma probably is the most unique charachter you will notice from Oolong tea, and the aroma is varied from region to region. If you drink a bubble of oolong tea, the first few flushes have obvious floral and fruity aromas and other natural tea aromas, but the next few flushes suddenly lose the aroma, then pay attention, you may buy tea with added.

If the oolong tea you drink only in the first 1 or 2 flushes has obvious floral or fruity aroma, afterwards aroma note drops sharply and the taste become flat and dull, thenn the chance that Oolong tea you bought probably with additive aroma substance is big.

The production for traditional roasted Oolong takes few months to complete after the picking. And, it is suggested to have patience for at least 6 months till the firing Yang energy cools down。

Few unique points to bear in mind for Eco quality traditional roasted oolong:

  • Tea garden is located in a protected Nature, far from any human and/or industrial pollution sources
  • Adapt nature fertilization, remove grass manually (preferrably tea farmers also respect and allow grass completes its life cycle), free from pesticides.
  • In the region there are traces of wild live stock and insects that follow the nature laws of biological balance
  • Only pick once in Spring per year, tea trees are allowed to have well recovery after picking
  • The mao cha (tea after the basic production) will go through several times repeatedly roasting by experienced fire master.
  • The yearly harvest quantity is limited

There is no word to describe the emotional touch inside when standing in a tea garden. There is no better way to make a fine closure for a day with extraordinary taste of eco tea in this hot summer day.

EcoTea – MeiZhan Oolong

#ecotea#ecoquality must come from a happy, peaceful and harmony environment with diligent commitments from #hardworking people to the #mothernature and #culturesustainability

Artemisia Ginger Tea

Artemisia argyi (Asiatic wormwood) is a medicinal herb used in TCM. In TCM we use Artemisia argyi for moxa treatment。

We also can use leaves to a medicinal herbal tea. But the taste of dried artemisia leaves without being processed in advance is hard to drink because of its very very bitterness in taste.

(65) Artemisia Ginger Tea – YouTube

The pre-processed step helps to reduce the bitterness, afterward stir fry in a dry wok with sliced gingers till all ingredients are fully dried.

Today I used about 2g, water temperature is below 90C, quickly brewing and quickly filter out, I am amazed by its gentle sweetness instead of bitterness. Multiple brewing is possible with this medicinal herbal tea.

TanYang Gongfu Black Tea

TanYang Gonfu Cha is a premier quality black tea from Fu’An region in Fujian.

FuJian province is an import tea production region where there are plenty famouse teas, such as white tea, oolong, jasmine and black tea, in China, the most important ethnic group in FuJian is She ethnic group together with another 50 ethnic groups. Fu’An region is not just famous for TanYang Gongfu Black tea, but also known for its white tea. The geographical position is between Longitude: 119.546163 Latitude: 27.222276, the altitude is not very high, around 203meters above sea level but the climate and humidity are very suitable for tea tree growing.

The following basic manufacturing requirements are critical for any tea to be classified as “Gongfu Cha”:

  1. Suitable eco-balance in environment for tea tree growing
  2. Not excessive picking per year, to ensure tea trees could have sufficient rest for the next year harvest
  3. Hand tea picking to ensure the quality of raw tea leaves
  4. Quality classification subject to the picking of tea leaves, i.e. 1 bud with 1-2 leaves
  5. Good and appropriately managed withering is the prerequisite for the formation of good quality for all Gongfu Cha and Oolong tea.
  6. Even though now they can use some machines to aid the tea production, but still traditional tea manufacturing methods are well respected
  7. Repeated drying and charcoal roasting are important for the final formation of premier quality Gongfu Cha

TanYang JinZhen was in twitted shape by using tea leaves of 1 bud with 1-2 leaves, which are picked only in the Spring season. The most suitable tea leaves are from local Fu’An vegetable tea trees, FuDing DaHao or Fu’An DaBai. Production methods are rather complex by following the traditional manufacturing techniques and standards .

There are different legends about TanYang Gonfu Black tea (TanYang JinZhen 坦洋金针) ; one is said TanYang Gongfu Cha was created by Hu FuShi from TanYang village during 1851-1874.

According to literature, Fuan Xian exported 70,000 boxes tea in 1881 which meant TanYang JinZhen was popular in Europe at that time already. Due to the anti-Japanese Invade War, export channels faced severly setback, productions were severily damaged that caused sharply drop of production output. After the New China was established, due to the change of tea demand layout, the tea production in TanYang changed from “Red“ to “Green”, not much traditional TanYang Gongfu Cha left for TanYan JinZhen until 1988. TanYang JinZhen has gone through gradual evalutions. In the last two decades since 1991, TanYang JinZhen has been through with consistent modified and improved manufacruring methods to create better quality Gongfu black tea. No matter what and how they modern the production process, they persistently follow the traditional manufacturing methods with TanYang Gongfu black tea, i.e. spreading, withering, kneading, oxidated fermentation, further refined rolling, roasting and sieving.

Fujian government established a clear GIS guidline for TanYang JinZhen:

  1. Tea leaves from tea trees grow in the Fu’An region, widely distributed and mainly produced in Fu’An region, therefore TanYang JinZhen has very firmed GIS (Geographic Indication System) quality identity
  2. The dried leaves are in twitted shape
  3. Persistently to follow the basic black tea manufacturing method (withering, rolling, fermentation, drying) and further enhanced with refined shaping, sortings, eliminating inferior different quality and roasting processes.
  4. Prhibit to use any aromatic substance and additives in the production.
  5. Strengthen the quality control to ensure no peculiar smell and no deterioration
  6. Pure and authentic quality in flavors and tastes are their fundamental belief for sustainability development for a better future.

How to distingulish the quality?

  • The color of dried leaves is in urun oily;
  • The color of tea liqour is in shining golden amber red color
  • It has pretty attractive fresh and elegant fraquence
  • mellow and yet complex dried sweetness tastes in mouth

Brwing suggestions:

  • All Gongfu Cha actually requires very heated water temperature from the boiling water
  • Suggest to use neutral pH balance mineral water, but neither too soft nor hard water.
  • Matching teaware : YiXing purple clay tea pot or white porcelain tea pot
  • Use of tea leaves: 1gm: 50-80ml (subject to personal taste preference)
  • Water temperature: 85-90°C
  • Suggest to keep the brewing time short and sexy, because longer brewing time allow more dissolvants from tea tannins and catechins in tea that will increase the bitter taste in tea. But also try to avoid ‘too sexy’ short brewing that does not allow sufficient dissolving of amino acid that weaken the sweetness in tea.

Tea has very charming and complex multiple layers in fraquence and in taste. Multiple infusions definitely are possible, about 6-8 brewings.

Perhaps the price for premier quality teas is not so cheap because of its hand picking and manual manufacture processing; when you are willing give yourself a chance to experience the fine flavors and tastes that you can enjoy from the multiple infusions, surely you will appreciate the quality and understand the cost per cup actually is very economical. It is indeed tghe better quality tea can meet with your demands for economic and ecological life style while providing you a better quality appreciation.

>500 years old Gushu is injured

OMG, What a crime!

The responsible person who takes care and have rights to harvest tea picking from the >500 years old GuShu (ancient tea tree)in  WuDong Shan village, for FengHuang DanCong, went to check that growing status, she was shocked by the destroying of some branches.

This crime has been reported and now is handled by the police in FengHuang Mountain Range. Hope they can catch the responsible criminals and punish them severely.

Please don’t even try to think or speak about human rights, because those who.committed such crime don’t deserve any right.

©copyrighted Mei Lan Hsiao, Antwerp/Belgium, 3/4/2020

Long Jing Teabag

Accompanied Ivo to Volvo garage for testing drive where I was delightfully able to have a cup of tea from a German tea company. Among flavored infusion teas, of course I chose the Long Jing (Green Dragon, Lung Ching), which marked as Chinese green tea from Spring.

The German tea company suggest infusion time almost 5 minutes according to the drawing.

The water temperature in the garage was pretty low, with the first tea bag, I tried 1 minute, and as have expected flavors were weak and the taste was pretty flat. With the 2nd tea bag, I increased the steeping time to 2 minutes. Because the,water temperature was too low so flavors stayed weak, even though the taste was a little bit stronger, but still not significant enough.

So I took few tea bag home for further evaluation.

Hope descriptions on each photo is able to give you a better idea about the tea evaluation tonight.

One common sense about Chinese SPeciality Green Tea, the market value for Spring harvests is high, nomally are picked by hands and quality classification is very high in flavors and tastes. So, basic questions for this tea bag will be exactly from where and in which season.

Why love drinking Pu’erh tea?

Recently a Chinese Pu’erh expert, Mr. Lin Mo, concluded his thoughts of loving pu’erh tea in a pretty simple statement:

There are at least three simple reasons for pu’erh tea lovers: taste good, endured strength in taste and aftertaste.

So, what are my reasons for loving pu’erh tea? Actually I can conclude my reasons briefly as follow:

  • The definition of “good flavors and tastes” can be varied from person to person;
  • Being able to drink strong tea does not equivalent to knowing tea and know how to appreciate tea.
  • The post fermentation process of pure and fine processed quality in both raw pu’erh (Sheng Pu’erh)and ripped pu’erh (Shou Pu’erh)can surprise tea lovers by its varied multiple layers in flavors and tastes from different brewing.
  • Can tea lovers appreciate the changing in flavors and endured strength in tastes from what pu’erh tea can present, it subjects to how much tea lovers know how to distinguish and appreciate..

It does not matter what your preferences in flavors or tastes are, it doesn’t matter how are your physical and energy conditions in different seasons, you always can find one matching drink in pu’erh tea.

Taste Evaluation: FengHuang DanCong #3

Received a surprised #teasample parcel from #guangdong today, there are 3 different quality grades of #fenghuang #dancong and 2 quality grades in #blacktea.

#TeaEvaluation #FHDC Grade 3:

  • lightly charcoal roasted with sweet in warm floral flavour, similar as #yashixiang.
  • The #aftertaste in the 2nd brewing is more clear than the 1st brewing, more in woody note and with refreshing taste
  • The spicy herbal note shines through in the 3rd brewing, the taste remains fine smoth, sweet and refreshing
  • Easily allow more than 6 brewings

It is delightful to enjoy the spirit from old tea trees.

Yellow Tea


I did not know how to answer this question when someone told me a British tea company published on their web site about yellow tea that the production know-how was lost for hundreds of year and only recovered in 1970.

I hope the follow information is able to establish some clarifications:

  • Yellow tea is a very unique tea from China, basically the production method is very similar as green tea, except there is an additional ‘staking fermentation’ process. Therefore, yellow tea is a mild oxidized tea.
  • In different historical period in China history, there are different kind of yellow tea:
  • The yellow tea that we know today has unique characters from specific tea tree cultivars that the fresh young bud and leaves appear in more yellowish color
  • Teas presented to the Emperor in Tang dynasty, i.e. yellow tea from Shoushan, Anhui and Mengding, Sichuan, were known as yellow tea because of the color from dried tea leaves appeared in yellowish color.
  • Basically there are three types of yellow tea based on the tenderness of fresh tea buds:
    • Yellow Buds (or yellow tips) : such as Junshan Yinzhen (Hunan), Mengding Huangya (Sichuan) and Huoshan huangya (An Hui)
    • Small-leafed yellow tea : such as Weishan Maojian,
    • Large-leafed yellow tea can be found in Anhui, Hubei and Canton
  • The most easy visualized character from Yellow tea is the color of tea liquor is in more yellowish.
  • Yueyang in Hunan is known as capital of yellow tea
  • Even many Chinese can easily confused by yellow tea from green tea or vice versa, how can we expect foreign tea lovers have to go through language interpretation?

However, yellow tea can be an interesting choice for those who would like to drink green tea but have problem with stomach.

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