I started to work in 1975. The disappointment from the first job interview urged me to think how to proceed from the choice of job, i.e. 1. working for big company with higher income? or 2. working with new start up to re-shape my learning in international business management knowledge and to advance my capabilities further without worrying too much about income? Without hesitation, I chose the 2. to work with a new start up. I still remember how it was then till today: at the beginning there were only 4 people in the new start up trading company, my boss, his wife (responsible for the finance), a bookkeeper and I (you can say I did almost everything in the company except baby sitting); eventually we grew the company to >30 people. I worked more than 10 hours a day (6/7) and everyday I went to work with full of sunshine energy and returned home with singing, and I started to attend different training programs to improve myself. My parents knew I was happy without understanding the reason why.

There are plenty benefits of working with a new start up operation, for example I worked more than 10 hours a day (6/7) and I have no time to think too much about how I should feel but simply focus on what and how to grow the operation I involved with my colleagues. To exchange in the reality I have plenty opportunities to deepen my knowledge and capabilities i.e. selecting qualified factories, choose products and even involved with the product design, contact international potentials and continue to follow up until a deal is made, place order to factory and follow the QC procedure, arrange shipment and prepare negotiation documents for banks… when the case is closed, then calculate the P&L for each business transacton.

It seems I was ambitious type with clear idea about my career goal, actually I was and still am not; the early almost-burn out experience really woke me up. The only thought that I have in mind then was and still is today : Do you Best and do the good things well!

Funny thing was that almost all jobs I did were all with new start up operations and I could enjoyed the prosperous growing and positive changes before I moved to Europe in 1991.

Yes, due to various reasons and situations, I have experienced many changes from 1975 to 1991 and nontheless I never have a moment of regret. The most common questions people asked are:

1. How did you do it? Because you have not only changed the job responsibility levels, but have changed jobs in various industrial types which have no link in between.

Answer: For me, I focused only one thing “Customers”. For me not only potentials were customers, I saw and treated my colleagues as my “Customers”.

2. Which job you loved the most?

Answer: I devoted 100% of my devotion, energy and appreciation to each job, for me they were equally beautiful and I appreciate every experience and time with each job. There were like my babies, how can anyone ask me to make a choice?

3. How do you plan your future? What do you see yourself 10 years later from today?

Answer: Stay alive, stay healthily alive with ease and peace in mind. Doing best every day, so can enjoy a good night sleep every night.

In life we will go through many ups and downs, when heading upwards with confidence and strength without arrogance or blinded with over-confidence; in case must moving downwards in order to climb up again, just pay caution on each step without seeing it as failing, certainly not to give up or give in but consider it as a moving forwards process to motivate self to reach the next rising hill.

Today, my hair is grey and have lost my shape for some years. So what! The journey of learning continues, old habbits to update learning never died away and my heart still feels the vibes in life. And, I have my tea