Even though her family has nothing to do with tea, but she learnt the importance of consuming tea correctly in daily healthy diet based on the Chinese traditional medicine principles in Yin-Yang and 5 elements from her family when she was very young.
She entered the tea learning in Taiwan since 1985, left her root because of marriage in 1991 helped her to expand her learning from original inward-out views to 360 degree. She started to promote the authentic knowledge about tea and wisdom in Chinese tea culture in Belgium since 1995.
Tea has always been and will continue be her best teacher. In front of Nature and Tea, she remains as an innocent child, a life-time learning student.
The responsible person who takes care and have rights to harvest tea picking from the >500 years old GuShu (ancient tea tree)in WuDong Shan village, for FengHuang DanCong, went to check that growing status, she was shocked by the destroying of some branches.
This crime has been reported and now is handled by the police in FengHuang Mountain Range. Hope they can catch the responsible criminals and punish them severely.
Please don’t even try to think or speak about human rights, because those who.committed such crime don’t deserve any right.
International political driven pressure to China has never seized even with the worsen situation of #COVID19 #Coronavirus worldwide pandemic. Recent unfaired and racist attacks from #mouthmasks eventually have touched the bottom line and are now facing counter reactions from China government.
China strictens the quality standards fir export
Starting from 1/4/2020 not only #mouthmasks but all medical supplies and equipments must have the quality testing certificate/report that product quality have been tested and approved according to China standards in order to receive a quality testing certificate/report issued by any from 48 approved quality verification organizations. Right now there are 48 companies are verified and approved by #CNAS can provide the quality checking and approval certificate; such testing report is issued in Chinese and CNAS logo should be appeared on the testing report. Cargoes will only be allowed for export shipment with such testing certificate/report and requires an written acceptance agreement from oversea buyers.
International quality testing community should work with CNAS to establish an universal quality testing standards in terms of testing methods and acceptance of the testing result. Otherwise no medical supplies can be shipped out. Also transhipment is not allowed.
The international quality testing community shouldn’t downgrade the CNAS quality standards without consulting. Also back fight to deny quality testing report issued by other European countries won’t help the problem situation that we are facing collaterally.
The China government point of view is very clear “
Those recent
unfair accusations and complaints about the mask quality forced the China
government to set stricter guidelines for the mouth masks export. I hope the linked information are useful for
The point of view from China government is clear : “We do care about the quality of medical supplies for live saving; they don’t have to buy if they don’t accept our standards and testing certificate/report we approved.”
China has suffered a lot from the outbreak of #COVID19 #Coronavirus in #WuHan. They have established very strict quality standards that shouldn’t missed up the international business tractions if importers or buyers did mot pay attention to make clear with specifications and required quality standards.
That’s why for weeks I tried to urge your attention that customers should know what they are buying and should give very clear specifications and quality standards before hands.
Complaints and put the blames to China is not fair to handle the situation, certainly it is not able to ease the pandemic situations that our medical personnel are facing right now.
When virus outbreak happened in WuHan, there were many international donated masks did not meet the surgical masks (N95, FFP3)standards, so they sent medical quality experts from hospitals and Red Cross to classify masks. Those unqualified masks were distributed to community for civilian protection masks use.China and Chinese people did not make any complaints, even though many masks did not meet the medical mask standards, China and Chinese people still showed gratitude to the humanitarian generosity and friendship.
The news of Corona virus outbreak happened in WuHan, we were shocked as billions of Chinese in China on how fast it was quickly spreading and deadly threats from this unknown virus. It rages the world by its powerful speed and deadly threats that we never though it can spread so fast and cause so much fear and panic with the jumping numbers of infection and fatalities in the world.
Today international medias also recognized the early announcement of “lockdown” guidelines that our government issued effective on 13/03/2020 helped to save thousands of live. In the past, when we talk about globalization, we talk about impacts from the world changes, however, we have never thought about one day we will face for what are happening right now that we can’t shake hands, no hugging or kissing as basic social greeting; the normal retail market operations and live styles will be setting onto a paused status.
Earth shaking news and rumors constantly mentioned on TV, radio and internet, but the bottom line questions we face are: What is that all about? What should I do? How should I face and handle the new way of living?
Filip Bauters, Belgian music composer
A 55 years old Belgian music composer, Filip Bauters, a father of three great children and four happy grandchildren, who studied music at the Ghent conservatory and has been busy with music all his life everyday shares the same stressful worries as many people that we all try to process the current Coronavirus situation in our own way, decided to compose a music and to share the song for the Coronavirus fight with the world.
When Alice asked me would I be interesting to cooperate with Filip who composed a melody which he would like to have in different language, of course includes Chinese, so people around the world could share the message of solidarity through a song. Without hesitation, I immediately said ‘Yes” to this meaningful project.
It is not so easy to translate the original Dutch text to Chinese, I can only do my best to grasp the essence messages for unity that Filip would like to express by considering the melody flow. This is such fun and meaningful project that I look forwards to other language version on the #youtube soon.
Here I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Filip Bauters again for giving me this opportunity to participate this beautiful and meaningful project .
We still don’t know the original source of #Coronavirus, but we do start to have more information about this tiny evil monster that it targets people whose immunity is not top regardless age and this deadly virus can cause live threatening complex problems.
Before medical and medicine research scientists can develop effective medicines and vaccines, the only things we can do are
Following the guidelines for #socialdistancing,
Maintaining balanced and healthy diets,
Paying extra attention on hygienic care
Learning and adapting new social behaviors,
Remaining calm and positive energy
Every detail helps to strengthen the immunity system.
Here under is my response to a marketing email from a tea supplier today:
Yes, there are plenty health benefits from tea. The medical effects on immunity system in this COVID-19 pandemic situation becomes more interesting and important. However, as a responsible tea person, I choose to be more cautious to give bold suggestions without solid facts and research data.
People who want to profit health benefits from teas, must consider the basic 5W1H: Who, Which, What, When, Where, and How.
Tea Research Scientists of University in Zhejiang and Yunnan started the further research in tea since the virus outbreak happened in WuHan, so far the result from testings of EGCG is very encouraging.
Hopefully we will soon will have more concrete research facts and results. Till then enjoy a cup of pure quality specialty tea that matches with your health conditions and requirements.
Accompanied Ivo to Volvo garage for testing drive where I was delightfully able to have a cup of tea from a German tea company. Among flavored infusion teas, of course I chose the Long Jing (Green Dragon, Lung Ching), which marked as Chinese green tea from Spring.
The German tea company suggest infusion time almost 5 minutes according to the drawing.
The water temperature in the garage was pretty low, with the first tea bag, I tried 1 minute, and as have expected flavors were weak and the taste was pretty flat. With the 2nd tea bag, I increased the steeping time to 2 minutes. Because the,water temperature was too low so flavors stayed weak, even though the taste was a little bit stronger, but still not significant enough.
So I took few tea bag home for further evaluation.
Hope descriptions on each photo is able to give you a better idea about the tea evaluation tonight.
oznorHBoznorCBoznorCOoznorCO One common sense about Chinese SPeciality Green Tea, the market value for Spring harvests is high, nomally are picked by hands and quality classification is very high in flavors and tastes. So, basic questions for this tea bag will be exactly from where and in which season.
Recently a Chinese Pu’erh expert, Mr. Lin Mo, concluded his thoughts of loving pu’erh tea in a pretty simple statement:
There are at least three simple reasons for pu’erh tea lovers: taste good, endured strength in taste and aftertaste.
So, what are my reasons for loving pu’erh tea? Actually I can conclude my reasons briefly as follow:
The definition of “good flavors and tastes” can be varied from person to person;
Being able to drink strong tea does not equivalent to knowing tea and know how to appreciate tea.
The post fermentation process of pure and fine processed quality in both raw pu’erh (Sheng Pu’erh)and ripped pu’erh (Shou Pu’erh)can surprise tea lovers by its varied multiple layers in flavors and tastes from different brewing.
Can tea lovers appreciate the changing in flavors and endured strength in tastes from what pu’erh tea can present, it subjects to how much tea lovers know how to distinguish and appreciate..
Ancient tea trees from XiQuei, LinCang
It does not matter what your preferences in flavors or tastes are, it doesn’t matter how are your physical and energy conditions in different seasons, you always can find one matching drink in pu’erh tea.
Received a surprised #teasample parcel from #guangdong today, there are 3 different quality grades of #fenghuang #dancong and 2 quality grades in #blacktea.
#TeaEvaluation #FHDC Grade 3:
lightly charcoal roasted with sweet in warm floral flavour, similar as #yashixiang.
The #aftertaste in the 2nd brewing is more clear than the 1st brewing, more in woody note and with refreshing taste
The spicy herbal note shines through in the 3rd brewing, the taste remains fine smoth, sweet and refreshing
Easily allow more than 6 brewings
It is delightful to enjoy the spirit from old tea trees.
When you are young, beautiful, handsome, strong and healthy, you don’t think or worry about time;the self confidence and desires for having fun in life can drive your hormone crazy that you think you have plenty of time and you can master the game in life.
A perfect and romantic gift to re-validate the wedding vows for love from Rose D’Avers
Probably you think you have plenty of time to mandate relationship damages later in the future. Or, you don’t realize what kind of impacts from your decisions and action are actually doing to yourself or to others around you? Or you simply don’t care?
“The circle of cause and result never ends, it sometimes is not happening instantly but eventually will happen (因果循环,疏而不漏)”
But what does future really mean? Will time stands still and wait for you? Do you really think you can abuse time because you are young and beautiful now? You really believe no matter what you do, time will show mercy by standing still or you can fulfill your beautiful dreams without consequence in the future? That is the puzzled question to all relationships in life.
Are you still waiting, dreaming and hoping for what you want to have by throwing what you already have now away?
Time won’t wait.
The time is fair and the clock is ticking without stopping. Without knowing the number of wedding invitations in the mailbox are replaced by divorce announcements or funeral invitations.
Just hope it is not too late to realize what is the most important in life is having someone to share a peaceful moment when hairs turn to grey, someone is still sharing the simple loving days even when the face is covered with wrinkles, the back is no longer straight and eyelids are getting heavy.
One who takes time lightly will lose time without knowing; one who takes love for granted won’t find peace in love.
Have learnt a new management vocabulary today, “Shadow Box“.— a group of non-executive employees that works with senior executives on strategic initiatives. The purpose? To leverage the younger groups’ insights and to diversify the perspectives that executives are exposed to.https://hbr.org/2019/06/why-you-should-create-a-shadow-board-of-younger-employees?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=hbr&utm_source=linkedin This all sounds great, but what is the reality? Can the sounding board from younger workers and non-executive senior staffs can help the top executives see well what need to be changed? The real challenge probably would be “will the executives who have the power to influence the implementation are really willing to listen and act to change”.
When thinking this explanation deeper, I think the purpose of having a ‘shadow box’ is not limited to the change management in organization development only. In fact many people are struggled by two problems in life:
Disengagement – Often how many people (even closest partner or friends) are willing to act together without separate agenda but a collective goal for a longer period of time? Checking reality regularly is necessary.
Weak response – when it seems we are surrounding by many friends that we ultimately expect they are willing to listen but again we quickly realize in the process that many of them only interest in their own problems or even have different agenda and there are only few willing to engage and listen. It is normal, there are many “acquaintances” but only few “good friends” who are truly willing to listen, urge us to face the truth and to identify solutions for problem solving in life.
When we think we have many friends, but when we need friends to listen and to give us guidance because of facing puzzles, having troubles or in stress, we will quickly confront a challenge of how many are there truly willing to listen? To get us out from trouble situations in life, what we really need are not those who seems agreeing with kind words or give us suggestions that they can’t even act for themselves but not truly willing to listen. As matter of fact actually what we really need are few friends who can maintain objectiveness and urge us to examine the situation and push us to take actions that we need to take in order to get ourselves out from the trouble situation, step by step, without judgement.
In life, the reality teaches us few crucial facts: We can only reduce disappointments with the least expectations and God only helps those are willing to help themselves to put their feet on the ground and act forwards.
Even though the sky is grey, but the sun is still shinning above the cloud and waiting to shine through at the right time if we could wait it with patience.
Only those who are strong dare to examine the inner-self and clear the mist in the situation in order to identify actions to take; those who are weak only try to find excuses to explain the situation that they want to think or even push the blames on others by lying to themselves..