Whenever can enjoy a cup of tea that suit myself, the touching feeling is not measurable by price. The most valuable is that connecting moment of peace and joy.
Author: Mei Lan Hsiao Page 20 of 31
Even though her family has nothing to do with tea, but she learnt the importance of consuming tea correctly in daily healthy diet based on the Chinese traditional medicine principles in Yin-Yang and 5 elements from her family when she was very young.
She entered the tea learning in Taiwan since 1985, left her root because of marriage in 1991 helped her to expand her learning from original inward-out views to 360 degree. She started to promote the authentic knowledge about tea and wisdom in Chinese tea culture in Belgium since 1995.
Tea has always been and will continue be her best teacher. In front of Nature and Tea, she remains as an innocent child, a life-time learning student.
Tasting you
What a joyful reunion of two old friends
even though it wasn’t long ago
but each time it’s like two old friends who met after a long time
Each reunion is such wonderful moment with joyful tear and heart full emotion
Such passion that can neither be described with words nor be melted even with ice from the North Pole.
Tasting you
It is like listening to the charm that hangs on the horse neck
It guides me to the ancient tea route with the sound of clink, clink, clink
Every step we move forwards, a new path is opened before us that has no end.
Old friend
even though you are far from the South, at the edge of cloud,
and yet you are so close to my heart
Silently you emerge with the beautiful harmony in Nature
Silently you enrich the healthy living, bring us joy
and guard us through the wisdom of Confucian, Taoism and Buddhism
It doesn’t matter which comes first, tea or people, just because you are already here.
Old friend,
With you, there are so many amazing stories and secrets of ancient tribes to tell
With you, we taste the harmony melody of heaven, earth and human, we realize the virtue of keeping head down
Time passed by without a trace
you have turned, turned, turned around for thousands of year
and yet are still turning
You have been through many storms and changes
You have witnessed many turmoil and chaos
You stand straight quietly, do your best to survive and hope we can listen
You shed so many tear for human errors, your voice has not been heard and yet we fail to listen
Pu’erh Tea
One ancient Chinese name
It brings the gentle breeze and the whisper from the Nature
One big leaf that has many legends and surprises
One big leaf that has varied flavor and taste that transformed in time
My heart is touched by the natural wisdom
Every cup opens a door for a new journey
A true friend that enlightens my day in the darkness, warms up my heart in the coldness
Its warmth frees my mind and its wisdom whispers to my soul
It’s my cup of tea
It’s Pu’erh
The concept of “the ” means there is ‘only one’ in the world. But in the journey of learning tea or in the learning journey in life with the aim either for achievement, money, position or reputation, we should learn to recognise and accept the concept of ‘the best’ lasts only for a second; because there are more “better” and “even more better” exist without knowing.
Tea tree has never tried to be the best, it just tries to grow, slowly. It does not have any differentiation energy, simply standing in the wild nature and grow, silently. It allows people who recognise and able to draw its unique flavor and taste forth to create different legends of fine quality tea that people can enjoy, without judgement.
There is an end of life for human, but it’s not clear how long a tea tree can grow if there was no external harassing or not being over picked because of greediness. When we take care of the natural life cycle of tea trees, it’s like taking care of our own mind cultivation.
Learning tea is like learning life.
Having confidence and believing self are important in life, but a differentiative mind, uncontrollable competitive energy and egoism can blind us. Either for tea or life, there is no Best but only Better. Learn to live the life with humbleness and courteousness won’t make you weak, on the contrary it expands your strength and capacity through inner alignment.
I know normally it’s honor to meet or able to have a President to give endorsement, but I really can’t share that kind of joy and proud with ITQI when they posted the photo of President Tsai Yin-Wen today.
Because the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) under Tsai’s command issued an announcement ‘quietly’ on their web site what they intend to loosen the pesticide tolerance standards.
Luckily such quiet ‘pesticide standards” announcement was discovered by a politician from the opposite party in time and then the issue was exposed on media on 15/3. Instantly I posted my concern and protest on Facebook and to the Taiwan Tea Manufacturing Industrial Association. Eventually MOHW admitted the decision of new pesticide standards was made based on the request from American agriculture chemical company.
If this announcement was not discovered in time, then 60 days later that ‘quiet announcement” could become official regulations. Luckily the planned new standards was not supported or agreed by most tea farmers and manufacturers or traders, because the new standards would allow the tolerance of Fluopyram to 6ppm while the tolerance of this particular pesticide in EU is only 0.1ppm.
Under severe protests, finally the MOHW decided to “temporarily postponed” the implementation but did not decide to deny the request from the American agriculture chemical company’s request.
Taiwan produce very good quality tea that we really emphasis on superior taste and quality but not quantity. But ff we allowed Tsai’s government team to implement the new tolerance standards, then the name of Taiwanese tea will be ruined, and Taiwanese tea will face a lot of challenge to sell tea outside of Taiwan.
Therefore I am sorry that I really can’t give my thumb up for this article from ITQI just because they were able to meet or listen Tsai’s speech during their visit in Taiwan.
ITQI emphasis quality, then meeting international pesticide tolerance standards for tea must be the basic requirement.

- How many top executives and/or rich people have no fear for their future?
- What do people really have under the surface of young, beautiful appearance, pride and confidence because of wealth, name, young and active physical conditions?
- What have we learnt from the past?
- What are we going to do to make a change?
- What of future we plan for ourselves and what are we going to do, starting from today?
There are many useful wisdom we can learn from tea, but if we couldn’t put the simple attitude of honesty and respect in tea selection or giving advice and perform in each tea brewing, then what do we really know about tea and what do we really respect from the wisdom of tea?
The same question applies also to other practices in life, including Taiji, Qigong or other things we like to enjoy. We can talk a lot, but nothing will happen if we couldn’t act on it.
Even though we are small, we probably are powerless as individual, but I believe together we still can make a difference and now is the time to make a difference.

Internet opens a lot of convenient channels for information, communication and marketing, but the concept and practice of respecting knowledge are still weak.

Every question opens another door to deepen the learning.
Q: Is it better to boil water till 100 degrees and cool it down till 70 if you need a low temperature?
It subjects to which mineral water you use. If the pH is high and hard, then I would suggest boiling it and then cool it down. The hardness in water will be soften after boiling.
But if you use very low Ph mineral water such as SPA or Mont Roucous which not only low with pH but also low with minerals, then I would suggest adjusting the temperature of your water cooker to the right temperature without boiling, otherwise the minerals will be further reduced if it’s boiled.
Q: Can you say the best water for green tea contains a PH of 7, Magnesium < 20 , Calcium < ??? Etc etc…. And the same for black, oolong, dark and white tea? Or is it a just a matter of your own taste ?
With water, we try to find one that can be used for different types of tea, otherwise you will end of many bottles at home.
So if we chose one which I would recommend choosing the pH in between 6,8 – 7.8. The weight of Calcium is heavier than H2O, so at end it will sink at the bottom in the pot. The dry residue between 50-500mg/liter is strongly recommended for daily use. Of course, it is again depending on the type of minerals in the water and if there are any other substances in it vs. to the physical conditions.
Sufficient Calcium is important, but too much also can cause problems. So how much intake per day? Perhaps this chart from WHO’s research can give us an idea:
The preference to flavor and taste is varied from person to person. When we learn to brew tea, we try to find the mid. Point that can be accepted and appreciated by majority.
The first sentence in Dao Te Jing,
” Dao when can be named is already an extraordinary Dao;
Name when can be named is already an extraordinary Name. ”
When we think we have found the Dao (the way, the path), we should challenge ourselves:
Is that the right Dao? or perhaps we have already missed the Dao or choose the wrong Dao because of preconceived interpretation on what Dao is.
In this chaotic world, some people suggest it is better to keep a distance, but are you sure problems or troubles won’t come to you even when you choose to avoid it?
When life is stressful, often we heard people suggest “Let Go”. Indeed, the best end approach is to let go, but how can we let go if we could not recognize its existence, not able to accept it and handle it? “Let Go” does not mean pessimistic avoidance, on the contrary it encourages us to manage it with positive attitude and courage.
In the journey of life, we will go through many ups and downs; it can be hard but still we have to learn not complain fair or not fair. What we can do and have to do is to uphold the believes in humane values and morals and transfer this attitude in daily actions.
We can have a lot but still nothing can buy time and we can not re do the minute before now. When we were young, we thought we could concur the world and could achieve what we want; but life will teach us to keep our head down and to accept with humbleness. We can’t change others, but we can manage the change in self. Enjoy the presence with a cup of tea.

Wine / Bier sommelier and coffee sommelier are well respected profession job title because these industries have established serious and industrial recognized requirements and standards for knowledge, skills and professional protocols. Indeed international tea societies grow fast in recent years, internet opens more channels for information and some useful training programs are introduced, but so far there is no collateral standards being established, not even in the tea homeland, China. The tea world is vast but the growing practice seems small and slim.
Recently overheard disputes in tea sommelier society in Belgium because there were articles, interviews and/or publicity from those who are proud to present their tea sommelier identity to push pure tea ONLY forwards. Personally I think it is good to see more people speak for pure tea but it does not mean we should ignore or even despise the existence of blending tea or tea bag.
With my simple mind, I have problem to understand the conflict between tea sommeliers. However, I think it is necessary for us to ask ourselves few simple questions: What is the role of tea sommelier? What does tea sommelier mean? Which attitude is the right attitude?
The definition of sommelier is someone who has professional knowledge, skills and follow the professional protocols. One basic difference from tea with wine/bier or coffee is that with tea we need to learn more than how to brew a cup of tea, the learning shouldn’t limited to the imitation of movement and process, but there are moral protocols, behaviours driven by attitude and wisdom in life.
What does the tea sommelier title really mean?
As a responsible tea sommelier we should have the courage to challenge ourselves. This job title does not mean we already know “everything” about tea, it is in fact mean now we have to consider how to move forwards correctly in the journey and to explore more learning in tea with the “passport” on our hands.
Yes, for achievement we should have self-confidence about ourselves. But how not to let our self-confidence becomes an uncontrollable egoism that blind our mind, that’s a critical learning that requires self disciplines and consciousness. We live more healthier by having less and will be more happy if we could put our egoism behind tea. There are many doors to open on the path and every time we open one door we will realize there are yet much to learn. When learning tea, we learn not only about tea types, how to brew tea and how to distinguish the flavor and taste, most of all, what we need to learn is how to shape our learning attitude in life as a better and happy person.
In the world of tea, tea is simple but people are complicated. Here I would like to share with a quote of an ancient Chinese wisdom from I-Jing: Proud is alike a full moon, it starts to reduce every day; humbleness is alike a new moon that it becomes full each day.
Even though tea entered Europe in the early 17th century, but let’s face it, it was for the higher and rich society but not for average people. Twinings began to blend tea and created a consistency flavor and taste in 1870. Why? Because they love the sensation through nose. When Thomas Sullivan invented tea bags in 1908 in New York, the mistaken steeping without opening began when clients received tea in silk bags. It laid down the root for a more easy brewing tea culture. Tea only became more popular in Europe in the 19th century and we must give the credit to Twinings and Lipton who push the low-priced tea bags to the market. Why they do that? I am sure the answer from them will very simple and straight forwards : Darling, it’s all about market and business.
So if you were a tea sommelier who also involves with marketing and wants to sell more tea, then the first basic questions you must consider in the pyramid reality are: 1) target market 2) products selection 3) marketing strategy
Starting from 1995, I noticed the growing number of tea shops in Belgium, I have witnessed the quality change and market shift from dust, to CTC in tea bag, then BOP in pyramid tea bag, to aromatic tea and blended tea.
Even though I question if it is healthy to consume too much flavored additives in food and drink, including tea. But I respect each consumer who has her/his own preferences in flavor and taste. No matter what l I am happy to witness the market shift from low quality tea bag gradually grow to transitional level. Moving from introduction/penetration phase to expand/transition to grow phase requires more consumers are demanding better quality. This growing process requires a lot of investment in quality tea, increasing number of tea lovers and patient with time.
Today the percentage of flavored tea’s are dominating the market, even in some whole leaf tea’s are flavored tea’s. And, many flavored blending and aromatic tea’s were ‘created’ by creative tea sommeliers driven by their ‘marketing strategy’.
Actually blending tea or not blending tea is not the real concern as long as ingredients used are pure and labels are correct and truthful. Personally I have more concern about the use of aromatic additives in tea and over-pesticide quality.
There is no “the best” quality but there are better and even more better quality tea’s. As tea sommelier this is the fundamental understanding we must bear in mind.
What can tea sommelier do?
Tea is about health, it has many benefits to health only if people know what to choose and how to drink appropriately. Therefore we have to pay extra attention if information have been over exaggerated or incorrect. Because we should do our best not to mislead consumers.
When we present before customers, we are not just “a sales person” but an adviser or a coach to help them to find a good balance in healthy life style.
Right attitude is important
As tea sommelier, I strongly believe we should put our egoism behind tea because only when we are willing to empty the cup, we can then refill it with more refreshing knowledge and inspiration. As a responsible tea sommelier we should take our responsibility seriously to share correct information and to give appropriate advice.
The first thing tea sommelier needs to learn is respect; respect tea and respect people who are different, and who have different preference in flavor and taste.
These years a tea fashion is being forged and many accumulated inaccurate information about tea and the use of tea were spreading. Follow a trendy path is easy but to identify a right path and able to continue to move forward on that path is not as simple as we thought. Regardless years of experience or cultural background, whoever is doing her/his best to give good advice and provide good quality tea deserve respect and support.
I know the language handicap with Dutch obstruct me to reach more people in Belgium. But it won’t stop me trying my best. I do, however, have concern about the quality of some schools offer tea sommelier program, if few days lesson then they can receive a certificate as tea sommelier, then what kind of quality issue that we are going to face in this industry?